top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Film Camera Style vol.38

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.38

John Sypal

February! Tokyo’s coldest month is a season of sharp winds, but good, soft light. I have a hunch that the lower temperatures and fewer public events of late winter keep a lot of cameras at home- but here are a few I recently spotted:





Zenza Bronica EC + Nikkor P.C 75mm F2.8

(Shinagawa Station)


This medium format SLR was around the neck of a young woman on her way to the Takehiko Nakafuji exhibition “Down On The Street Tokyo 1995-2025” at the nearby Canon Gallery S. (A great show!) 

She told me this camera was loaded with Ilford HP-5 black and white film. 


この中判一眼レフは、品川駅近くのキヤノンギャラリーSで開催されていた中藤毅彦写真展「DOWN ON THE STREET TOKYO 1995-2025」に向かう途中の若い女性の首にかけてあったものです。このカメラにはイルフォードHP-5のモノクロフィルムを入っているそうです。



Contax G1 + Carl Zeiss Planar 45mm F2

(Asakusa Nakamise-dori)

Near Senso-ji temple I spotted this Contax around the neck of a young man from Taiwan. I saw quite a few tourists that day with manual SLRs, but me to think of it, I hadn’t seen a G1 in a while.  Sharp little setup!




Leica II + Leitz Elmar 1:3,5 F=50mm

(at Shinobazu pond, Ueno Park)


A lot of the time I notice cameras hanging around people’s necks- -  this Leica II, on the other hand, I saw from a distance as it was being used. In an age where most people composing photographs from iphone screens held in front of from faces, seeing someone with an actual camera to their eye stands out. Well, to me, anyway!

He told me that the camera was later painted black. (I think that’s a nickel-coated lens?) 

I always enjoy seeing pre-war cameras like this still being enjoyed. 





Canon Tele 6

(Outside of Firehouse Burgers, Hongo San-chome)


The highly underrated, extremely enjoyable Canon Tele 6. 

It lets you shoot either full or half-frame images-  I suggest half-frame (as she was shooting) because it saves you 50% on film costs AND they look great.  The lens and flash on this camera allow for some wonderful things. It’s even got a tiny, extenable kickstand to assist with self-portraits.


キヤノンのTele 6は非常に楽しいカメラです。フルフレームでもハーフフレームでも撮影できるのですが、私は特にハーフフレームをおすすめします。持ち主である女性もハーフフレームに設定していました。他のカメラとの違いとして、このキヤノンTele 6には小さな伸縮可能なキックスタンドも付いているため、セルフポートレートの撮影をサポートしてくれます。90年代のカメラデザインは面白かったなあ。



Hasselblad H1 + HC 80mm F2.8 

(Outside of Firehouse Burgers, Hongo San-chome)


The partner of the young woman with the half-frame Canon had this heavy (over 2kg!) auto-focus Hasselblad H1. While I’ve shared the Fujifilm version, the GX645AF, on Tokyo Camera Style before, this is the first Hasselblad version to appear.  This 645 format camera was developed jointly by Fujifilm and Hasselblad. One interesting aesthetic detail of the H1 lens here is how it the “H” logo has been incorporated into the pattern on the barrel’s rubber grip. The photographer let me peek through the finder- as expected, the world looks nicer when seen through a Hasselblad lens like this 80mm f2.8…


先ほどキヤノンTele 6を持っていた若い女性のパートナーが持っていたのが、この重たいオートフォーカスのハッセルブラッドH1です(重さはなんと2kg以上!)。


富士フイルムのオートフォーカス645判カメラ、GX645AFは以前このコラムでも紹介しましたが、ハッセルブラッド版はこれが初登場です。この645判カメラは富士フイルムとハッセルブラッドが共同開発したそうです。このH1レンズの興味深い美的ディテールは、鏡胴のラバーグリップの模様に「H」のロゴが組み込まれていること。また、この80mm F2.8のようなハッセルブラッドのレンズを通して見る世界は素敵です。さすがだね!


A little later I ran into another camera-carrying couple. Each person with a (literal) couple of cameras:





Leica M3 + Summicron 35mm F2

Rollei 35

(Satake Shotengai, Taito ward)

He had a Leica M3 with the era-correct goggled-Summicron lens. (The goggles- called “megane” (glasses) in Japanese) allow the photographer so see 35mm framelines in the 50mm frame-lined finder. After complimenting his Leica, he pulled the Rollei 35 out of his bag. Visiting Tokyo from Nagoya, he and his partner were visiting the city’s photo culture spots, of which the nearby photo gallery & café 229 ( is a part. 







Nikon FM2 + Voigtlander Ultron 40mm F2 SL

Contax T2

(Satake Shotengai, Taito ward)


She had a well-used Nikon FM2 with a relatively rare and somewhat recent F-mount Voightlander 40mm lens.  She paired the Nikon with a Contax T2 for their Tokyo trip. That’s a nice combo. 


彼女はよく使われたニコンFM2に、比較的希少でやや新しいFマウントのフォクトレンダー40mmレンズをつけていました。 彼女は東京旅行のためニコンとコンタックスT2を組み合わせていました、素敵なコンボですね。


Satake Shotengai is a nice East-Tokyo old-time shopping street. I looked online and its website says that it is the second-oldest such shopping street in Japan. 


And which is the oldest? 


It’s Asakusa’s nearby Nakamise-dori, founded (in its modern form) in 1885. 








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