top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Film Camera Style vol.5

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.5

John Sypal


有元伸也さんのRolleiflex 2.8F。伝説なカメラ、新伝説な写真家です。



Shinya Arimoto's Rolleiflex 2.8f.  A legendary camera in a new legend's hand. This is the camera he took to Tibet in the late 1990s.  When you have a camera that long- and have been through so many things with it- it becomes more than a camera or tool and, in my opinion, a friend or companion. 




新宿の写真ギャラリーで会った若い男性の富士フイルムinstax mini(チェキ)。実は私も同じモデルを持ってます(私のチェキは「チョコ」色です)。富士フイルムのインスタントカメラ(instax)は、全世界のデジタル時代の若者に大変人気があります。今まで富士フイルムは何台のインスタントカメラを作ったのかな。


A young man visiting a photo gallery had this older Instax Mini in his camera bag. (I've got the same model in "chocolate" brown.) With all the models and variations, I wonder how many Instax cameras have been made over the years.  



中国から日本へ写真を勉強しに留学している女性たちのリコーGRとコンタックス T2。



Two wonderful compact cameras in the hands of two young women who came to Japan from China to study photography. 




湯島天神の梅祭りで素敵なニコン S3を発見しました。

そのカメラを持つ素敵なおじいさんと石壁に座ってゆっくり話をしました。おじいさんは今85歳で、何十年間もこのニコン S3を使い続けているそうです。「一生の一台」というカメラライフはやっぱりいいですね。


Here's another example of a lifetime camera-  I met an elderly man with this Nikon S3 at Yushima shrine in March. He had come to see the plum blossoms. As we chatted he told me that he was 85 years old and had had this Nikon for many years. In an age of near constant updates and upgrades, such a "one life, one camera" approach is of beautiful simplicity.


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