top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Unique Lense Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Unique Lense Style

John Sypal

Tokyo Camera Style turned sixteen years old in August.  Since 2008 I’ve met about six or seven thousand photographers and snapped pictures of as many- if not more- cameras. Come to think of it, I’ve yet to do a full, proper inventory of camera models and lenses that have appeared on the site. It would be interesting to see what the most common camera / lenses that have appeared are.  (At least a hundred Leica M6s, no doubt.)  Thinking back over the past decade and a half, it’s those ultra-unique, one-of-a-kind, pieces that stick out.




So, for this column, I wanted to share a few memorable items from the TCS archives. If you’ve been following along since the 2010’s you might remember a few of them. On the other hand, chances are you’re seeing them for the first time. 




Petri FET + Petri 100mm F4.5

Date:January 2023

Place: Zen Foto Gallery, Roppongi


A visitor to an exhibition at Zen Foto Gallery in January of 2023 had an SLR with a lens that probably most camera fans have never seen before. This is a Petri 100mm f4.5 periscope lens, seen here mounted on a Petri FTE.  While maybe not as pricy as a rare Leica lens, this cartoonish lens so rare it took the owner six years to find one.


2023年1月にZen Foto Galleryで開催された展覧会に訪れた方が、おそらくほとんどのカメラファンが見たことのないレンズを装着した一眼レフを持っていました。ペトリFTEに装着された「ペトリ100mm F4.5」というスコープレンズです。 希少なライカレンズほど高価ではないかもしれませんが、このまるで漫画のようなレンズはとても珍しく、オーナーは見つけるのに6年かかったといいます。



It works as you expect- and looks even weirder (and is lighter) in person than you’d think.

I can’t think of any practical use for it but as soon as it was in my hands for a minute I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to take out in public. The reactions on passersby could make for an interesting subject matter…





Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SP + Stitz Stereo Adapters + silver bulb flash

Date: January 2015

Place: Totem Pole Photo Gallery, Yotsuya


Stereo cameras have made appearances on TCS over the years but even rarer are specialty stereo lenses, like this one.  Back in 2015 a visitor to Totem Pole Photo Gallery had this Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SP with shiny silver bulb flash and Stitz Universal Stereo Adapter. Obviously, you don’t see a lot of Stitz Stereo Adapters out on the streets. I especially liked that he had this whole rig off his shoulder instead of in a bag or in a collector’s display case.


ステレオカメラは何度か紹介してきましたが、このような特殊なステレオレンズはさらに珍しいです! 2015年、トーテムポールフォトギャラリーに訪れた方が、このアサヒペンタックス スポットマチックSPと、輝くシルバーバルブフラッシュ、そしてスティッツユニバーサル ステレオアダプター(Stitz Stereo Adapters)を持っていました。このステレオアダプターを街中で見かけることはあまりありません。また彼が鞄やコレクター用のディスプレイケースではなく、この機材を肩から下げていたことが特に気に入りました。


This was actually the second TCS appearance of particular Spotmatic. The first time I met its owner photographer was in Shinjuku in August of 2012. The snap I took of it then was chosen by the designer for the cover of the Tokyo Camera Style book . 


このスポットマチックとの出会いは、実はこの時で二度目でした。オーナーであるカメラマンに初めて会ったのは2012年8月の新宿でした。その時に撮ったスナップが、デザイナーの手によって『Tokyo Camera Style』(Thames & Hudson、2015年)の表紙に選ばれました。


Speaking of stereo lenses…




Leica M2 + E.Leitz Midland Canada’s Stemar 1:3.5 F=3.3cm Stereo lens + Leicavit MP

Date: August 2014

Place: Gallery M2 (Current RED Rhoto Gallery), Shinjuku


In 2014 at Gallery M2 (now known as RED Photo Gallery), I met this photographer with a Leica M2 fitted with this very rare E.Leitz Midland Canada’s Stemar 1:3.5 f=3.3cm Stereo lens and, if that weren’t enough, an original Leicavit MP. 


2014年、ギャラリーM2(現・RED Photo Gallery)にて、私はこの非常に珍しい「E.Leitz Midland Canadaのステマー1:3.5 F=3.3cmステレオレンズ」を装着したライカM2と、それでも足りなければオリジナルのライカビットMPを持った写真家に会いました。


Normally, a setup like this would be thought to belong in a collector’s display case- and indeed, I figure most every currently existing Stemar & Leicavit in the world probably are. Its owner continues to use this camera a bit- and has had a few exhibitions at this very gallery of the pictures he’s taken with it. That’s more fun for him- and probably the lens, too.    





Mamiya 645 + Homemade Bellows + waist level finder + Moter Drive

Date: August 2012

Place: Mizukake Festival, Fukagawa


Amongst the revelry of a Mizukake festival in Fukagawa in the summer of 2012, I spotted a photographer with a unique Mamiya 645 setup. In order to get a higher angle of view of the festival, he had a homemade bracket with an extension pole that he raised up, as seen in picture 2. 




You can’t see it well in the image due to the camera’s custom leather case, but his Mamiya 645 was rigged with a waist level finder- the same kind of finder to which he attached his homemade bellows. While holding the camera up high- and upside-down- he peered through this bellow-tunnel that helped him better see the ground glass viewfinder screen in his camera. The camera also had a motor drive and a cable release to let him snap away repeatedly from above.   I truly admire the ingenuity and drive of people who go this far with their gear to shoot how they like. It’s much more fun than one of those little 360-degree video cameras on a stick that you see people walking around in Shibuya with now!


特注のレザーケースのためカメラ本体はよく見えませんが、彼のマミヤ645にはウエストレベルファインダー(自作の蛇腹を取り付けたのと同じ種類のファインダー)が装備されていました。カメラを高く、逆さまに構え、この蛇腹のトンネルから覗き込むと、カメラ底部のガラス・ファインダー・スクリーンがよく見えました。カメラにはモータードライブとケーブルレリーズも付いており、何度もスナップショットすることができる作りになっています。 自分が好きなように撮影するために、ここまで道具を使いこなす人々の創意工夫と意欲に、私は心から敬意を表します。現在渋谷を歩いている人たちが手に持っているような、棒についた小さな360度ビデオカメラよりもずっと楽しいです!



Homemade medium format camera + 360 degree lens

Date: April 2011

Place: Sumida River, Asakusa


If I was asked what the most memorable camera on Tokyo Camera Style is, I’d have to say it is this hand-carved, wooden medium format camera with a 360-degree lens that saw during cherry blossom season in Asakusa in 2011. 






If I remember correctly, he said he got the lens element from a science supply store. The body featured designs that he carved himself. The film back was a 6x6 rollfilm from some ancient camera.  He also had a photo album with prints done with this lens- As you can imagine, the camera attracted a bit of attention. Showing what it can do was much appreciated. 


私の記憶が正しければ、彼はレンズの素材を科学用品店で手に入れたと言っていました。ボディは自分で彫ったデザインだそうです。フィルムバックは昔のカメラの6×6判ロールフィルムでした。 想像できるように、このカメラはちょっとした注目を集めていました。持ち主はこのカメラで何ができるか、喜んで説明してくれました。



Olympus Pen+ Homemade potato chip tube lens

Date: November 2011

Place: Ebisu


Here’s another homemade lens- the housing is a repurposed potato chip tube, seen here connected to a digital Olympus camera.





I spotted this in Ebisu in the fall of 2011. The glass ball in the center is the main element. Cheap fun! Such an experimental, playful approach is another way to enjoy photography.  





Homemade medium format pinhole camera (Common name "DIY 66 Zoom Pinhole")

Date: January 2016

Place: Shibuya


And finally, to cap off this selection of strange lenses-  how about a camera with no lens?





This is a homemade medium format pinhole camera built from cardboard and a lot of black tape. I ran into the photographer in Shibuya in 2016.  He told me called it the “DIY 66 Zoom Pinhole”,  and explained it has different (approx) zoom lengths: 35mm , 50mm, and 80mm. The film winding knob is a Fujifilm film case lid.  Ingenious! 


段ボールと大量の黒いテープで作った、自作の中判ピンホールカメラです。2016年、渋谷で偶然出会った写真家のものです。 彼はこれを「DIY 66 Zoom Pinhole」と呼び、35mm、50mm、80mmと、それぞれ異なる(おおよその)ズーム域を持っていると説明してくれました。フィルム巻き上げノブは富士フイルムのフィルムケースの蓋です。 独創的!


I hope you’ve enjoyed this look back at some examples of photographic gear which reflect the desires, curiosity, impracticality, and uniqueness of not only their owners, but the possibilities that photography can offer.  All this stuff is a lot more satisfying to use than an AI prompt image generator or smartphone….


所有者の欲望や好奇心、非実用性、独自性だけではなく、写真がもたらす可能性を反映した機材を振り返ってみましたが、楽しんでいただけたでしょうか? 画像生成AIやスマートフォンよりも、使っていて満足感のあるものばかりです!


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