For the first time in quite a few years I made it down to Yokohama for the annual CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging Show. Held at the Pacifico convention center, this world-class, fascinating spectacle, is where leading camera and imaging companies go to impressive lengths to showcase their latest products. The displays are amazing- but equally impressive are the numbers of photo enthusiasts that attend- especially on a Sunday, the day I checked it out. Nearly every visitor had a camera of some sort around their necks- some basic, some gleefully outlandish or unique. Most were digital, but I was able to spot fellow film-shooters in the crowd. Here are just a few of the cameras that caught my eye…
Leica M4 + Leitz Summaron f=3,5cm 1:3,5
Even though Leica did not have a booth at the show, I saw many, many photographers with Leica cameras around their necks or in their hands. This one, a clean chrome M4 with a 35mm 3.5 Summaron lens, belonged to a first-year university student.
ライカ社がブースを構えていないにもかかわらず、ライカのカメラを首から下げたり、手にしたりしている方をたくさん見かけました。特A級クロームのライカM4に35mm F3.5のズマロンレンズをつけたこのカメラは、大学1年生のものでした。
Leica M6 Panda + Summilux-M35mm F1.4 Steel Rim
That afternoon I met a man with a “panda” Leica M6. His lens is the new 35mm f1.4 Summilux steel-rim reissue. As most Leica fans know, this M6 was nicknamed “Panda” because of the black details (shutter speed dial, film rewind crank) on the white, er, silver chrome body.
午後、私は「パンダ」ライカM6を持つ男性に出会いました。レンズはズミルックスM35mm F1.4 スチールリム復刻版です。ほとんどのライカファンが知っているように、このM6 は白い、いや、シルバークロームのボディに黒いディテール(シャッタースピードダイヤル、フィルム巻き戻しクランク)から「パンダ」の愛称で呼ばれているのです。
Nikon SP +Nikkor-S.C 5cm F1.4
Nikon Z f + W-Nikkor 3.5cm F2.5
Just as I was about to ask to take a snapshot of this wonderfully aged Nikon SP , its owner reminded me that I had actually photographed his camera in Shinjuku several years before.
He has since acquired a new Nikon Z f (seen here with a vintage W-Nikkor 3.5cm f2.5 lens).
And if these two fine cameras weren’t enough to convince you he’s a true Nikon fan, check out that t-shirt.
素晴らしく年季の入ったニコンSPを撮らせてもらおうと思った瞬間、この持ち主とは数年前に新宿でカメラを撮影させてもらったことがあったと思い出しました。その後彼は、新しくニコンZ f(この写真ではヴィンテージのWニッコール3.5cm F2.5レンズを装着)を手に入れたそうです。この2台だけでは、彼が真のニコンファンであることを納得していただけないかもしれませんが、彼が着ているかっこいいTシャツをご覧いただきたいです。
Yashicaflex + NISSIN MC30
This Yashicaflex was the sole TLR that I saw that day- of course it’s very likely that there was a Rolleiflex or two or three there. Please understand, nearly every single person on site had a camera around their necks- my eyes got tired darting from person to person for so many hours. I met this photographer in the section where university photo clubs exhibited their pictures. Not often that you see a flash (this is a Nissin MC 30) on TLRS. Very cool.
New Mamiya 6 +Mamiya G 75mm F3.5 L
I stepped out of Pacifico for lunch (Shake Shack)- on my way back I met two young women enroute to CP+. One had a New Mamiya 6 over her shoulder- It really was NEW- she told me she purchased it the day before, and had just loaded her first roll of film into it that afternoon. Here’s to many more rolls and years enjoying this camera.
Pearlette (昭和4年/1928年製)
At less than a week old, the SIGMA BF might have been both the talk of CP+ 2025 AND the newest camera on site- but this Japanese-made Pearlette might have been the oldest. Online research shows that this particular model was released in 1928. That’s ninety-seven years ago. I don’t know how many cameras on display at this trade fair will still be working in (opens calculator app on iphone) 2122 (!).
The fact that this one is still seeing use is a testament to not simply twentieth century craftsmanship, but to a certain something that can’t be replicated digitally… especially it’s lens.
CP+開催時、発表からまだ1週間も経っていないSIGMA BFは、CP+2025の話題の的であり、また現場で最も新しいカメラであったかもしれませんが、この日本製のPearletteは最も古いカメラであったかもしれません。ネットで調べたところ、このモデルは1928年に発売されたそうです。今から97年前です。CP+に展示されているカメラのうち、97年後の2122年にまだ動いているものがどれだけあるかわかりませんが、この1台がまだ使われているという事実は、単に20世紀の職人技というだけでなく、デジタルでは再現できない何か…、特にそのレンズの証であると言えます。
Custom 3D Printed camera + Mamiya-Sekor 75mm F5.6
While CP+ is the place to see the latest offerings by all the major camera manufacturers, there was at least one fully-custom, one-of-a-kind camera on the premises. Check this out- it’s essentially an Instax Wide camera. This setup pairs a medium format Mamiya-Sekor 75mm f5.6 lens with a Lomograflok (made by Lomography) Instax Wide back via 3D printed housing. This camera does not have a rangefinder, so the photographer sets the focus according to the distance scale that he’s attached to the camera back.
CP+は主要カメラメーカーの最新製品を見ることができる場所ですが、会場には世界に1台のフルカスタム、オンリーワンのカメラがありました。これはインスタックスワイドカメラです。中判のマミヤセコール75mm F5.6レンズと、3Dプリントされたハウジングを介したロモグラフロック(ロモグラフィー製)インスタックスワイドバックを組み合わせたセットアップです。このカメラには距離計がないため、撮影者はカメラバックに取り付けた距離目盛りに従ってピントを合わせるそうです。
Lomography Lomo’Instant Wide Glass
Petri ES Auto
Speaking of Instax Wide cameras, I also saw this Lomo’Instant Wide Glass. Its owner had it paired with a Petri ES Auto compact rangefinder camera from 1974.
Instax Wideといえば、ロモグラフィーLomo'Instant Wide Glassも見つけました。持ち主は1974年製のペトリESオートコンパクトレンジファインダーカメラと組み合わせていmした。2台ともレトロっぽくてかわいいです。
Pentax 17
On the tradeshow floor I was rather surprised (and encouraged by!) the number of Pentax 17s I saw around people’s necks. This one here was the first customized Pentax 17 I’ve seen- its owner repainted the camera’s grip/battery cover and matched the theme with a golden filter ring and light brown strap. I’m not sure whether he coordinated his camera with his camo pants but I certainly, really hope so.
展示会場では、首から下げているペンタックス17の多さに驚きました(そして勇気づけられました!)。 持ち主はカメラのグリップとバッテリーカバーを再塗装し、ゴールドのフィルターリングとライトブラウンのストラップでテーマを合わせていました。彼が黄色の迷彩柄のズボンとカメラをコーディネートしたのかどうかはわかりませんが、そう思いたいところです!
Hasselblad 503cx + CF Planar 80mm F2.8 + Godox Lux Senior
One of a few Hasselblad setups I saw that day: this is a 503cx with the CF Planar 80mm f2.8 lens. The flash is the Godox Lux Senior. The square hood and retro round flash offer quite a visual, geometrical impact.
これはハッセルブラッド503cxにCF Planar 80mm F2.8レンズを装着したもの。フラッシュはGodox Lux Seniorです。レンズの四角いフードとレトロな丸いフラッシュは、視覚的にかなりインパクトがあります。
I actually ended my day at CP+ plus with what brought me there in the first place. Several months prior, I was invited as a guest speaker for a 40min program on the topic of my choice. For the benefit of everyone, I thought it would be better if I had someone else on stage, and thankfully photographer and friend Shinya Arimoto was available. We chatted about our individual camera & photo histories, and how our relationships with our cameras of choice have influenced our approach to the medium. The video (in Japanese) has been archived on YouTube here:
All in all, CP+ was a fascinating, stimulating event. I’m already looking forward to next year…
PCT Membersは、Photo & Culture, Tokyoのウェブ会員制度です。