top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Film Camera Style vol.34

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.34

John Sypal

The T3 PHOTOBOOK MARCHE is the book fair held in conjunction with the annual T3 Photo Festival Tokyo. This event gives visitors a chance to see- and purchase- a variety of printed work at the booths of participating galleries, schools, and publishers. 


As you can imagine, where ever photographers gather, cameras do to. Here are a few I saw during a visit on a Sunday afternoon.

「T3 PHOTOBOOK MARCHE」は、毎年10月に開催される「T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO」に合わせて開催されるブックフェアです。参加するギャラリー、写真学校、出版社などのブースで、さまざまな写真集や印刷物を見て、購入することができます。





Asahi Pentax 67

+ Pentax 105mm F2.4

+ Magnifying finder attachment


The first camera I spotted was this Pentax 67 over the shoulder of a young man. His camera had the Pentax 105mm f2.4 lens and a magnifying finder attachment. Sharp-eyed Pentax fans will have noticed the older non-metered Pentax 6x7 era pentaprism, too. 


最初に見つけたカメラは、若い男性の肩にかけてあったペンタックス67です。彼のカメラには105mm F2.4レンズと、拡大ファインダーアクセサリーが装着されていました。鋭い目をしたペンタックスファンは、古いペンタックス67時代の、メーターなしのペンタプリズムにも気づいたことでしょう。



Olympus Pen FT + F. Zuiko Auto-S 38mm F1.8

Moving down two formats and nearly two kilograms, I next saw this Olympus Pen FT with a 38mm lens. It seems like one of these half-frame SLRs makes it into this column every month. They remain popular due to their both their optical performance and cost performance. 





Kyocera Samurai X3.0

Less than a minute later, another half-frame camera appeared. This this Kyocera Samurai X3.0 was over the shoulder of a young man who, after letting me get a photo of his camera, asked to take my portrait.  





Olympus XA

Haruna Sato (Instagram: @sato_ha)

These three camera-style exchanges all happened in front of the Gallery Kaido booth, prompting me to ask my friend Haruna Sato who was sitting at the table if she had a film camera on her. She did!  From her bag she pulled out this Olympus XA.




Half of the Photobook Marche is held in a sort of open hallway space of the Tokyo Square Garden building. Near the entrance, I spotted two photo students from China with Fujifilm medium format cameras.





Fujifilm GA645Zi & GW690III


The young woman on the left had a Fujifilm GA645Zi. Her friend had a Fujifilm GW690III with an external light meter accessory.  Actually, on my way to the book fair I wondered if I’d see ANY film cameras this year. To see these six cameras in a mere thirteen minutes (yes, I checked the EXIF data) was quite interesting.





Leica M7 + Summicron-M 35mm F2 ASPH.


In the second part of the venue held on the 6th floor of the building I spotted this Leica M7 with a 35mm f2 Summicron ASPH lens. The owner was visiting Tokyo on vacation, and said that having his camera appear on TCS was on his bucket list. Glad to be able to help make dreams come true.

同ビルの6階で開催されていた第2会場で、このライカM7とズミクロン35mm F2 ASPHレンズを見つけました。持ち主は海外から東京へと旅に来ており「自分のカメラが東京カメラスタイルに掲載されることを、死ぬまで絶対に経験したかった!」と言っていたといいます。カメラスタイル掲載の夢を叶えるお手伝いができて嬉しいです。



Fuji Instax mini8+ + Fuji Instax Mini25 RILAKKUMA

On the 6th floor I also met two young art students with their colorful Fuji Instax cameras.  After seeing the booths here, I took the elevator back to the ground level. The doors of the elevator opened- and there stood a man with this Leica M5 & 35mm f2,8 Zeiss C Biogon ZM around his neck.


同じ6階では、カラフルな富士フイルムインスタックス「チェキ」を持った2人の若い美大生にも出会えました。このフロアを見た後、私はエレベーターで地上に戻りました。エレベーターのドアが開くと、そこにはこのライカM5とツァイスCビオゴンZM 35mm F2.8を首から下げた男性が立っていました。



Leica M5 + Zeiss C Biogon ZM 35mm f2.8 


This was actually my first visit to the T3 festival- and it was great to see a lot of familiar faces and publishers all in one place. Several participants told me that it was a larger event than last year- here’s to T3’s continued success.  Maybe I’ll see you there next year.




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