top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleUsed Camera Style: J-Camera Presented "Used Camera Bargain 2024" REPORT 

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Used Camera Style: J-Camera Presented "Used Camera Bargain 2024" REPORT

John Sypal

“Cheap used camera gear” isn’t a phrase you hear much lately. 

With the recent increases in interest and price for nearly everything photo-related, it’s a concept best regarded now as either a fond memory- or a general impossibility in 2024.


However, once a year, and in conjunction with Tokyo’s T3 Photo Festival Tokyo, a small, two-day camera fair tucked away in a corner of Ginza offers camera fans a chance to acquire film gear at prices that would have seemed low even in the buyer’s market of the late 2000’s.   




しかし、年に一度東京で開催される「T3 PHOTO FESTIVAL TOKYO」の会期に合わせて、銀座の片隅で開催される2日間の小さなカメラフェアでは「2020年代の買い手市場でも安い!」と思える価格で、カメラ機材を手に入れるチャンスがカメラファンに提供されます。



Sponsored by (PCT) , this “Used Camera Bargain” market is set it apart from other larger, longer-established camera fairs in Tokyo by its cozy size and overall mood. Rather than a glittering department store, the venue, Nakano Ginza Gallery, gives it a feel more reminiscent of a garage sale or flea market. Instead of international dealers or collectors, the clientele I met were old-school camera fans. Again, another difference was the price tags. The Suwa Shashinki + PCT booth had a Junk Nikon F for an unbelievable 3000 yen (it went quick), and a large selection of compact 35mm cameras priced 1/3 of what they go for online now.




Suwa Shashinki/諏訪写真機


In addition to PCT, vendors included Tokyo camera shops Lemonsha, Camera-no Gokurakudo, Suwa Shashinki as well as Photo gallery MONO GRAPHY Camera&Art and Hokkaido-based film retailer Kawauso. Representatives from Pentax headquarters were there too, with a case of cameras and lenses for sale- and two sample Pentax 17s for visitors to handle. (With these they offered a generous set of sample prints made with this new film camera.)


今回は、東京に実店舗を構えるカメラ店「レモン社」「カメラの極楽堂」「諏訪写真機」、そしてフォトギャラリー「MONO GRAPHY Camera&Art」、北海道のフィルム販売店「かわうそ商店」が出店していたほか、リコーイメージングの「ペンタックス」のブースでは、カメラとレンズの販売に加え、来場者が手にすることのできる最新フィルムカメラ「Pentax 17」のサンプル機2台が用意されていました。




Camera-no Gokurakudo/カメラの極楽堂





MONO GRAPHY Camera&Art, Miho Comuro & Koji Ueda/ コムロミホ & 上田晃司


As can be expected, many visitors to the event showed up with a camera already around their neck. Here are just a few I saw during my Saturday morning visit.





Mamiya 7+ N80mm F4L + Panasonic PE-20S

Fujifilm Klasse S

From Australia


This visitor from Australia had a Mamiya 7 with an 80mm f4 lens and a Fujifilm Klasse S. The flash is a Panasonic PE-20S.


オーストラリアから東京に旅していた方は、Mamiya 7と80mm F4のレンズ、そして富士フイルムクラッセSを持っていました。ストロボは2000年代に発売されたPanasonic PE-20Sです。




Pentax K1000 + SMC Pentax-M 50mm F2

From Indonesia

This visitor from Indonesia had an Asahi Pentax K1000 SE.  From what I understand, the K1000, a staple of photo classes around the world, was not sold in Japan with that name. His lens was the SMC Pentax-M 50mm f2.

インドネシア人のお客さんはペンタックスK1000を持っていました。海外マーケットに売られていたというK1000は日本では珍しいものです。レンズは定番のSMC Pentax-M 50mm F2です。



Revere Eye-Matic ee127


Ok, this was a camera I don’t think I had ever seen before- a Revere Eye-Matic ee127.

This is an American-made, cast-aluminum and white-enameled rangefinder from 1958. It makes 4x4cm exposures on 127 film. The “electronic eye” capability is a system that automatically adjusts its two-bladed aperture in real time. Fascinating. Luckily for the camera owner, the Kawauso booth had 127 film for sale. 


これは初めて見たカメラです。アメリカ製 「Revere Eye-Matic ee127」です。1958年に生産されたこのカメラはアルミ製のレンジファインダーで、127フィルムを使用します。この「電子の目」は、2枚羽根絞りをリアルタイムで自動調整するシステムです。魅力的!このカメラのオーナーにとって幸運だったことは、この中古カメラバーゲンのかわうそ商店ブースで127フィルムを販売していたことでしょう。やっぱり、ちょっと使ってみたいカメラです。



Pentax 67Ⅱ + SMC Pentax 67 105mm F2.4 + Cherry-wood grip


Speaking of large cameras, one visitor had a Pentax 67II with a 105mm f2.4 lens, lens hood, and cherry-wood grip.  That five-roll pack of Kodak Tri-X in his bag will go nicely with this setup. 


少し大きなカメラの代表格といえば、ペンタックス67IIです。レンズは105mm F2.4。公式のウッドグリップは桜だそうです。袋から見える5本パックのコダックTri-Xはこのカメラとの相性ピッタリ。楽しんでください!


It wouldn’t be a day in Tokyo without seeing a Leica M6.





Leica M6 Panda +  Voigtlander NOKTON classic 40mm F1.4 S.C. 


A Leica M6 Panda with aVoigtlander NOKTON classic 40mm F1.4 S.C. lens.


1台目は「パンダ」といわれるライカM6です。レンズはフォクトレンダーNOKTON classic 40mm F1.4 S.Cです。



Leica M6 TTL + Voigtlander NOKTON Vintage Line 35mm F1.5 Aspherical (Type I VM) 


A Leica M6 TTL with a Voigtlander Nokton Vintage Line 35mm F1.5 Aspherical Type I VM lens. The grip is from a French manufacturer called Kamerakraft. I’m not sure where the brass-colored square lens hood is from but it certainly “pops”. 


2台目は個性的なライカM6 TTLです。レンズはフォクトレンダーVintage Line 35mm F1.5 Aspherical Type I VM。金色のレンズフードはどこのメーカーかわかりませんでしたが、ウッドグリップはKamerakraftというのフランスのメーカーのものです。



Rolleiflex 6008 +Rolleo Planar 80mm F2.8 HFT


Another rarity- a Rolleiflex 6008 with a Rollei Planar 80mm F2.8 HFT lens. A technologically advanced- and complicated- marvel of a camera.


最後に、もうひとつのレアなカメラを紹介します。プラナー80mm F2.8 HFTレンズを装着したローライフレックス6008です。技術的に高度で複雑な、驚異のカメラです。すごい!


As for now, this particular camera fair is only held in October. I bet that a lot of people would be happy if it was held two or even three times a year… then again, that’s easy for me to say since I wasn’t involved in any of the preparation or coordination of it. I imagine it takes a considerable amount of effort and resources to put together. I’d like to offer sincere thanks to all who worked so hard to put this great event together. Likewise, I hope that everyone who was able to stop by the sale had a good time- and found something interesting to take home.







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