top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Film Camera Style vol.37|Ueno Park Antique Market -上野骨董市にて-

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.37|Ueno Park Antique Market -上野骨董市にて-

John Sypal

A few times a year- over the past 40 years- the Ueno Park Antique Market appears along the eastern shore of Shinobazu pond. It offers an eclectic selection of Showa-oddities and collectibles, vintage knickknacks, Edo-period ceramics, hundred-year old kimonos, shunga prints, unidentifiable bits and bobs of all sorts- stacks of old books and magazines, souvenir key chains, forgotten photo albums, old shoeboxes of pre-war actress bromides, and old film cameras. And that’s just ONE stall. 





Needless to say, such a market draws all sorts of people- treasure-hunters, local dog-walkers, masses of foreign tourists, and lots and lots of photographers. The current market is up from January 4 – 20th, 2025.





I spotted the following cameras over two late-afternoon visits, on January 4th and 5th.




Leica M-A + Summilux-M 50mm F1.4 ASPH.

In the hands of a visitor from Germany I spotted this fantastic, black chrome Leica M-A with a matching black chrome 50mm F1.4 Summilux-M Asph. lens. 

I know I say this all the time, but this is one of those “all you’ll ever need” setups. One could happily, satisfyingly live out their photographic life and never need another camera or lens. The M-A lacks an internal meter and so he showed me that he carries a Flashmate L-308X Sekonic light meter in his pocket.


ドイツ人の観光客の手に、この素晴らしいブラッククロームのライカM-Aと、それにマッチするブラッククロームのズミルックスM 50mm F1.4 ASPH.レンズを見つけました。いつも言っていることですが「これさえあれば十分!」というセットアップのひとつです。他のカメラやレンズを必要とすることなく、満足のいく写真人生を送ることができるでしょう。もちろん、ライカM-Aにはライトメーターが内蔵されていないので、露出測光を助けるために、彼はセコニックのライトメーター「フラッシュメイトL-308X」を持ち歩いていると教えてくれました。いいね!日本の良い旅を。



I then walked over to Benten-jima, Shinobazu pond’s island where I noticed another man standing off to the side. He had his head down and was focused on something- black and rectangular- in his hands. Once his right hand stated making familiar little rotations on its corner- I immediately realized he was rewinding film, and, judging from the angle he held it, a Leica M.  




Sure enough, it was an M7.




Leica M7 + Summarit-M 50mm F2.4


A visitor from Korea, he had just finished a roll of Kodak Gold film. The lens is a relatively rare, and underappreciated (but great) Leica Summarit-M 50mm f2.4.  

In the Leica world of Summiluxes and Summicrons, the budget Summarit lens line gets overlooked but they are fine lenses. They’re compact, and come with nice little square lens hoods, too. 


韓国から来たこの男性は、コダックゴールドのフィルムを撮り終えたところでした。レンズは比較的珍しく、良品なのになぜか過小評価されているライカのズマリットM 50mm F2.4です。ズミルックスやズミクロンが高い評価を受けるライカの世界では、廉価版のズマリットレンズは見過ごされているものの、素晴らしいレンズです。コンパクトで素敵な四角いレンズフードも付属していました。



Hasselblad 500 C/M + Carl Zeiss CF T* Planar 80mm F2.8


On January 5th I met another Korean photographer near the pond with a Hasselblad 500 C/M and a Carl Zeiss CF T* Planar 80mm F2.8 lens.

1月5日、私は池の近くでハッセルブラッド500C/MとカールツァイスCF T* プラナー80mm F2.8レンズを持った韓国人写真家に出会いました。


Ueno Park is a good place to bring a medium format camera. On both days I visited I saw the same man taking portraits with his Pentax 67:





Pentax 67 + SMC PENTAX67 105mmF2.4

The lens is the standard- and legendary- SMC PENTAX67 105mmF2.4 lens. 

Years ago, these 105mm lenses were fairly affordable- prices have risen considerably (sevral times over) since then! It’s good to see this one getting -quite literally- daily use.


レンズは標準的でかつ伝説的なSMC ペンタックス67 105mm F2.4です。数年前まで、この105mmレンズはかなり手頃な価格だったのですが、その後かなり値上がりしています。このレンズが本当に日常的に使われているのを見るのは良いことです。



Canon Canonet G-Ⅲ 17


I also spotted this Canonet G-Ⅲ 17 in the hand of a young man near Shinobazunoike Benten Temple. While these Canonets are popular with non-Japanese film camera fans on the internet, I rarely ever see them out in public. I guess this makes it all the more special when I do. 


不忍池弁天の近くでは、キャノネットG-Ⅲ 17を若い男性が手にしているのを見つけました。このキャノネットは、インターネット上でも海外のフィルムカメラファンに人気があるのですが、東京が見かけることはめったにありません。それこそG-Ⅲを見かけるの喜びはひとしおです。



My Leica M6 + Summicron-M 35mm F2 ASPH.


On the 5th I had my older Leica M6.  2025 will mark Leica’s 100th anniversary. It ought to be a very interesting year…. 




On late afternoons in winter, Shinobazu pond (my favorite part of Ueno Park) is lit with a golden hue that, combined with the dried lotus stalks crackling in the breeze, makes for extraordinary atmosphere, especially as you peruse the past through the medium of antiques.  If you haven’t experienced it yet, make a visit sometime.





Ueno Park Antique Market



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