top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleFavorite Camera Style of 2022

Ending my weekly column here for 2022 with a look at some of my favorite Camera Style pictures from the year.



Nikon SP + W-NIKKOR-C 3.5cm F1.8


2022年1月にふげん社で開催された「Sha Shin Magazine」の刊行記念パーティで見つけたニコンSP。 カメラマンはまだ新しいフラッシュバルブを持っていて、それを使っていました。このタイプのフラッシュが発光する経験はきっと忘れられないはず…8月の太陽に負けないぐらい明るい!

This is a Nikon SP I spotted at the Shashin Magazine release party at Fugensha in January.  The photographer still had new flash bulbs, and was using them. Seeing a proper flash bulb go off (a meter away, pointed at you), is not something you’ll forget. They are BRIGHT.


▷▷ Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.3




Nikon S3 + Nippon Kogaku NIKKOR-P  10.5cm F2.5




At the plum festival Yushima Shrine in March I took a seat on a low stone wall- next to me was an older gentleman- in his hands was his beloved Nikon S3.  We chatted a bit and became friends, meeting in April to photograph the cherry blossoms in Ueno Park and then later in the summer, I visited his house for dinner. These kinds of encounters are what photography is about.


▷▷ Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.5



Rolleiflex 35mm F2.8 +  Barnack Leica on his right arm


夏。大阪の若手写真家の左手にはローライフレックス・ワイド、右腕にバルナック・ライカ。面白い人ですね! シャツがいい味出してます。

This is a Rolleiflex Wide in the left hand of a young photographer from Osaka- and a Barnack Leica on his right arm. Interesting guy!  The shirt is a nice touch.


▷▷ Tokyo Film Camera Style Vol.9


Canon TELE6, Konica RECORDER, Marusan EXPRESS 24mm F4





Film prices jumped in 2022. Remember though, the surest way to get a 50% discount on 35mm film is to shoot half-frame cameras.  These belong to a photographer working on a pretty interesting project… I hope that 2023 sees a book of his work.


▷▷ Tokyo Film Camera Style Vol.9



Konica GembaKantoku 28mm WB




A young woman with a Konica Gemba Kantoku at a group exhibiton in June. I remember when these Konicas were less than 4000 yen in any shop-  great, tough little cameras.




Rolleiflex, Pentax 645 Ⅱ 


もう一人フィルムを愛用している若い女性。6月にトーテムポールフォトギャラリーを訪れた日、彼女はこのペンタックス645とローライフレックスの両方を持っていた。 かっこいい!


Another young woman shooting film-  medium format, no less! She had both this Pentax 645 and a Rolleiflex TLR on her during a visit to Totem Pole Photo Gallery in June.


▷▷ Tokyo Film Camera Style Vol.9




PLAUBEL makina67, Fujifilm GF670




Another dual Medium Format user- two amazing rangefinders- the Plaubel Makina 67 and a Fujifilm GF670.  As with so many “which camera?” questions, the answer is “Both”.




Leica MA + Leiz Summilux-M 35mm F1.4 



This Leica MA belongs to the head of Leica’s Global Marketing department. He loves film, and we had fun reminiscing over past darkrooms we’ve used.

I had a lot of interaction with Leica this year- one thing I really have been impressed by is the genuine love for photography that everyone I’ve met at Leica has.


▷▷ Wetzlar Film Camera Style




NEW Leica M6 + Leica Summicron-M 35mm F2 ASPH.

Leica M6 + Leica Summicron-M 35mm F2


この秋、私のインスタグラムにライカM6が登場する機会が増えたことにお気づきでしょうか? 2022年はフィルムカメラのラインナップにM6が復活し、10月には発売記念イベントにも招待していただきました。感謝しています。


私はこれまでずっと、中古のカメラしか購入することができませんでした。ドイツにあるライカ本社で新しいライカM6を受け取ったことで、私は初めて新しいカメラに最初のフィルムを装填することができたのです。 これは私にとって、とても嬉しいことでした。 この新しいカメラが、生涯のパートナーになることを期待しています。


And speaking of Leica, you might have noticed an uptick in Leica M6 appearances on my Instagram account this autumn. 2022 saw the return of the M6 to their film camera lineup- I’m grateful to have been invited to participate in the release events in October.

For all the years I’ve been taking photos, I’ve always only ever been able to purchase used gear. It wasn’t until receiving my new M6 in Wetzlar that I was able- for the first time ever- to load a new camera with its first roll of film.  For me, this was quite a feeling.  I look forward to making this new camera a partner for a lifetime.


☆ ☆ ☆





Obviously, we enter 2023 as a world of uncertainty and of course there are bigger things than the unstable state of film photography. Like so much, it faces issues of supply chains and rising prices- but here is hoping that you are able to enjoy it as long as you can, as happily as you can. The demand is there- can the manufactures match it? There could be some good news on the horizon. Here’s hoping for stability, and enjoyable walks with a camera around your neck.


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