top コラムRecommended photobookヨッヘン・ライス / Jochen Raiß "Frauen auf Bäumen (Women in Trees)"

Recommended photobook

ヨッヘン・ライス / Jochen Raiß "Frauen auf Bäumen (Women in Trees)"

John Sypal

The smile of a young woman caught my eye on a recent trip Tsutaya Books in Ginza Six. She wasn’t shopping- she was in the photography section, up in the branches of a tree. Her grin beamed out across the decades to our present from the cover of a delightful compilation of anonymous, 20th century European snapshots titled “Frauen auf Baumen” or, “Women in Trees”. This 2016 book is the product of Jochen Raiß, a German snapshot collector who built up this particular strand (branch?) of amateur snapshots over twenty years of flea market visits.  


先日、GINZA SIXの蔦屋書店に行ったとき、若い女性の笑顔が目に飛び込んできました。その女性は書店で買い物をしていたのではなく、写真集コーナーで木に登っていたのです。



20世紀のヨーロッパで撮影された無名写真家たちによるスナップ写真を集めた『Frauen auf Bäumen(木の上の女性たち)』と題された楽しい写真集の表紙から、彼女の微笑みが数十年の時を超えて、現在に向かって輝いていた。2016年にドイツの出版社・HATJE CANTZより刊行されたこの写真集は、ドイツのスナップ写真コレクター、ヨッヘン・ライスが20年以上にわたって蚤の市を訪れ、アマチュアのスナップ写真からこの特別な一筋を作り上げたものです。


True to its title, the book is gloriously nothing but pictures of Frauen in Trees. 

The ladies are usually solo, but sometimes found in pairs or even flocks of three. In most images, the women look straight at the camera in occasionally awkward, if not precarious, poses. Many display a sense of pride- mixture of physical accomplishment (Many are in skirts and heels) and successful, harmless mischief. 


Who wouldn’t feel proud to have such a photo in their family album?





While the Tsutaya Books in GINZA SIX is stocked with luxurious, contemporary photography books this modestly printed, affordable and (at 12cm wide) pocketable book was right up my alley.  


GINZA SIXの蔦屋書店には豪華な現代写真集が並んでいますが、この控えめな印刷で手頃な価格、しかも横幅12cmとポケットに入るサイズは私の好みにぴったりでした。



Like Mr. Raiß , I am a longtime collector of forgotten, anonymous and 20th-century snapshots. But rather than work by anonymous Europeans, the vast majority of the photos in my care were taken by unknown Japanese shutterbugs. I keep my collection of some several hundred, if not a over a thousand pictures, in a large hat box. 





As my collection has grown, so have the themes that have gradually appeared. For example, I’ve got a stack of snaps of people in front of the great Buddha statue in Kamakura, and posing in front of the Megane-bashi at the Imperial Palace. I’ve got another of people posing with their cats (this is the found-photo book that I’d like to publish). One theme- and one of the most popular ones at that- is portraits of women. Who could ever know how many millions of snapshots were taken of wives, or girlfriends, daughters- or simply ladies fancied by camera owners? I’ve seen enough to understand that these photos were often commemorations of a pretty woman in a pretty place- gardens, hotels, and sight-seeing spots being the most common.




The women in these snapshots pose standing in front of walls, next to cars, motorcycles, lanterns (bronze or stone), torii gates, historical placards, stone steles, hotel entrances, bus stops, waterfalls, castles, statues of Buddha. Other times the photographer has them sitting-  on benches, big rocks, and the occasional chair. 




However, after going through this book, I wanted to see whether I could find any Japanese Frauen in any Japanese Baumen in my collection.  This curiosity prompted me to look at every single snap I have. 




Interestingly, I quickly realized that women with trees turned out to be a fairly common trope. Most of the photos taken outdoors showed women posing near a tree, with some placing a hand gently on the trunk. 





Now, to be fair, I didn’t actually expect to see any women in trees in Japanese snapshots for two reasons. First, while the skirts and pants worn by the German woman in the book were not much of an obstacle to the models, traditional kimono and Japanese social norms simply do not encourage such arboreal locomotion. And second, unless one is a young boy, trees in Japan are things to be enjoyed under- or perhaps as prompts for poems- but certainly not things to climb- and certainly not by a young woman.

 Indeed, after consulting with some Japanese friends while preparing this column I learned that, with a general belief of a kami (god) in every natural thing, most Japanese would think it improper to impose themselves on a tree this way. Another taught me this proverb: “Fools and smoke like high places”. He added that such tree climbing would have- especially then- been shameless behavior. 

This was my hunch, too.






And yet! Sure enough, in my collection I found two snapshots that, while not as directly triumphant as the German women, more or less fit with the book’s theme:





One is a 1950’s group shot of several jolly nurses (top) with one gleefully making use of a tree to make herself visible from the back row. She’s definitely in the tree- but it’s within the comfort/accordance of the group’s enjoyment of the moment.  The only picture I could find with a woman actually “in” a tree by herself was a color snap from the mid 1970s. While the low arm of this pine tree is more like a bench than a branch, the subject exudes the same sort of confidence that can be found in the women in those German trees some fifty to twenty years earlier. 




Closing up the snapshot box, I still had ladies in trees on my mind. It was a good start, but it was time to move on to my bookshelves. 




It couldn’t be that interest in girls in trees could be limited to European amateurs. Considering all the women – and all the angles of and places in- Nobuyoshi Araki had photographed them, I was sure that there had to be at least one picture of an arboreal beauty in his books somewhere. Sure enough, in Tokyo Aruki (2009) – there’s a snap of a young woman grinning from an ancient (and now gone) cherry tree in a small park in Tokyo’s Bunkyo ward. 





The next tree photo I found had a fashion model (Miwako Ichikawa) in it, appearing in HIROMIX’s 1997 book “Japanese Beauty”.  


次に見つけたのは、モデル・市川実和子さんを写したHIROMIXの1997年の写真集『JAPANESE BEAUTY』(マガジンハウス、1997年)に掲載されていたものです。



Now, A Woman in a Tree in a context like this made sense. A fashion shoot is a good reason to flaunt social norms, and I suppose that a woman in a tree is likely something more common in fashion or gravure model books. 





Nearing completion of this column I suddenly remembered one more Japanese photobook that includes a photo of a woman in a tree: Shinya Arimoto’s Tokyo Circulation (Zen Foto Gallery, 2016).


このコラムを書き上げようとしたとき、ふと木に登った女性の写真が掲載されている日本の写真集をもう一冊思い出しました。 有元伸也さんの『TOKYO CIRCULATION』(Zen Foto Gallery、2016年)です。



It’s quite a pictute.



Whether by middle class Europeans eighty years ago or Yoyogi Park fashion shoots, to me a great part of the warmth of these pictures is the collaborative spark that prompted them. The initial idea- whether that of the ladies, or of their camera operator companions, to scamper up into a tree for a photographic occasion has an element of familiarity. Yukking it up for a camera like this subverts the supposed ideal of formality and weight that people tend to give photographs. They’re defiant against time through humor- the years and people pass but this is a snapshot, a celebration of a fine day, a climbable tree, of a minor accomplishment. The history of the medium is rife with such levity, and we’re better off when these comparable moments are collected and presented this way. 







  • Jochen Raiß "Frauen auf Bäumen (Women in Trees)" 
  • ヨッヘン・ライス『木の上の女性たち』
  • 発行:Hatje Cantz Verlag
  • 発行年:2016年6月
  • 仕様:130×180mm、112ページ、掲載写真52枚
  • 言語:ドイツ語、英語


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