top コラムRecommended photobook33 Shigeichi Nagano "Tokyo1950s" 長野重一『東京1950年代』

Recommended photobook

33 Shigeichi Nagano "Tokyo1950s" 長野重一『東京1950年代』

John Sypal

On a recent trip to Jimbocho I found a copy of “1950’s Tokyo”, a collection of Shigeichi Nagano’s photographs.  Published by Iwanami Shoten in 2007, this book isn’t particularly rare nor expensive (my copy was 2800 yen at Genkido Book Brothers) but for some reason it was new to me. I don’t know how or why I had never noticed it before but a few pages in I knew I needed it for my Tokyo photobook collection. 


最近神保町に行ったとき、長野重一さんの写真集『東京1950年代』を見つけました。 2007年に岩波書店から出版されたこの写真集は、特に珍しいものでも高価なものでもありません(私は源喜堂書店で2800円で購入しました)。しかし、私にとってこの写真集は新鮮でした。どういうわけか、なぜ今まで気づかなかったのかわかりませんが、数ページを見て、私個人の「東京の写真集コレクション」に必要な一冊だと直感しました。


It’s great. If Tokyo history and / or excellent, clearly seen, smartly snapped mid-century reportage photography is your kind of thing, this is your kind of book. Highly recommended.




But this week’s column isn’t simply a photobook review.  In addition to the aesthetically fine photographs and their documentarian value, I value this book for its capability for fostering dialogue between the past and present.  




Opening page 31, I immediately recognized two bronze buddha statues in Asakusa:



Created in the late 1600s, for centuries these two buddhas, called “Nisonbutsu”, sit on the Sensouji temple grounds near the Hozo-mon (Nio-mon) gate.  (More info here


1600年代後半に作られ、何世紀にもわたって「二尊仏」と呼ばれるこの2体の仏像は、浅草寺の宝蔵門(二王門)近くに安置されています。 (詳細はこちら:


You can see that when Nagano took his photo in 1955 these objects of worship doubled as playground equipment- I doubt security would allow your kindergartener to scramble up into the statue’s arms today. (But an old-timer watching might feel a sense of nostalgia.)




Asakusa in 1955, and my re-photo in August of 2024.

上:長野重一(1955年)、下:John Sypal(2024年8月)


Seeing Nagano’s splendid picture reminded me of one I took on a warm October afternoon in 2006: 




John Sypal(2006年10月)


The physical and visual interplay between people and statues is an eternal draw for photographers (See Elliot Erwitt, Lee Friedlander, to name but two). Seeing these familiar Buddhas got me thinking about the other photobooks I’ve seen them in.



They appear in Nobuyoshi Araki’s underrated Tokyo Kannon- a book published in 1998 by Chikuma Shobo. It collects a magazine sterilization of Tokyo Buddha visits which Araki and writer Hinako Suguira made in 1995-1996. 





上:荒木経惟(1996年)、下:John Sypal(2024年)


Apart from an updated historical placard, not much has changed between then and now.

Several decades earlier and from a higher angle, Kineo Kuwabara made a picture of these statues in 1937:







His vantage point was from the upper part of the Nio-mon gate- I’d love to get a re-photo of this one I don’t know who you’d have to talk to at the temple to get permission to do this today. I suppose they don’t let just anyone up there. 

Kuwabara’s photo can be found on page 120 of book one of “Personal history of the Showa Age”(Mainichi Shimbun, 2013).




I was hoping to find some other photos with these statues but was unable to do so with the books on my shelves. They failed to appear in Shigeru Yamazaki’s “Asakusa 1974”  ( and, despite being the kind of thing Issei Suda loved as a photo subject, I could not find them in any of the books of his I have, either.  Still, I refuse to believe that neither man ever took a photo with them in the frame- perhaps somewhere deep in their respective negative archives some exist. 

この仏像が写っている他の写真集をもっと探したかったのですが、私の本棚にある写真集からは見つけることができませんでした。山崎茂さんの『浅草1974』(→Tokyo Photobook Tour 23)にも掲載されていないし、須田一政さんが好きそうな被写体であるにもかかわらず、私が持っている"須田本"にも掲載されていませんでした。それでも、山崎さんや須田さんがこの仏像の写真を撮ったことがないとは思えません。もしかしたら、それぞれのネガ・アーカイブの奥深くに寝ているかもしれませんね。


Still curious, I did a google image search of “浅草寺二尊仏”to see what might come up. Amongst some links to mid-2010s travel blogs I saw a yellowed picture worth clicking on.  It turned out to be a photograph of the Nisonbutsu made generously available via the Tokyo Museum Collection (ToMuCo): Integrated Database Search for Metropolitan Museums. ( , in Japanese and English).


それでも気になった私は、"浅草寺 二仏尊 "をグーグルで画像検索してみました。2010年代半ばの東京旅行ブログへのリンクの中に、クリックする価値のある黄ばんだ写真を見つけました。 それは、東京ミュージアム・コレクション(ToMuCo)で公開されている二尊仏の写真でした。


Nisonbutsu (Two Buddha Statues) in Sensoji Temple


出典:Tokyo Museum Collection(


Titled “Nisonbutsu (Two Buddha Statues) in Sensoji Temple” this photograph from the late 1800s in part of the Edo-Tokyo Museum collection.  Interestingly – and perhaps characteristica of Araki, his photo matches the straightforwardness of this anonymous Meiji-era photographer. 




Rather than religious, my interest in these Buddhas is photographic. (Unless you want to consider photography as some sort of religion). From their pedestals the Nisonbutsu have witnessed millions of pilgrims and visitors over three and a half centuries. Who knows how many times they’ve been photographed? 

Only God knows.   


That said, if you are aware of any other books they appear in, please tell me.






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