top コラムExhibition ReportVol.35 金村 修|Osamu Kanemura +「Gate Hack Eden」

Exhibition Report

Vol.35 金村 修|Osamu Kanemura +「Gate Hack Eden」

John Sypal

The contemporary art space Cave-Ayumi Gallery, located in the second basement of a building in Kagurazaka, is currently hosting an assemblage of Osamu Kanemura’s latest work- an exciting exhibition titled Gate Hack Eden. 


Perhaps known best in the west for his 2001 book Spider’s Strategy, Osamu Kanemura has been actively exhibiting his distinctly consistent, distinctly direct photography since the early 1990s. I’ve been longtime fan of Kanemura’s singular approach to the medium (and camera) and his sprawling, fixer-stained and print-curled show at the Ginza Nikon Salon in 2014 remains lodged near the top of the part of my brain that holds photo exhibition memories.  (As does its brilliant title: “Ansel Adams Stardust (You are not alone)”)


While Kanemura’s artistic output has burst out beyond his darkroom into collage and drawing and video, the particular sense of intense density found in his photographs unites the multi-media work in this show. There’s the urban density of Japanese cities in his prints- street views of concrete canyons laced with wiring that echoes cracked-windshields. There’s the graphical density of his collage, panels here that deconstruct Japanese tabloid newspapers and flyers into a churning, puke-colored stew of humorous and grotesque non sequiturs. You can find the same “noise” of density in his drawings- somehow both precise and tight exercises in line-drawn anarchy, including a mass of rats-nest doodles made on the receipts from a cheap Italian chain restaurant.


Finally, there’s the density of time expressed in his video installations- two digital projectors show a flurry of digital photographs that echo the feel of going through a digital camera’s files at full-speed- a rapid-fire pace of still images that at moments feels like scenes of a glitched-memory bank of a movie. Two at the same time in the same closet-like area with the lights off are a gleeful assault on the senses.And finally, there’s the 1,648 page publication that accompanies the show. This book-brick-art-object / paper and acrylic mini-tower possesses its own slightly intimidating density- a breakdown/ reconstruction of elements of Kanemura’s output. Designed by, it is limited to 1000 copies. 


There’s a lot to take in here. Every square centimeter, each scrap of paper, every cut-out flyer text, every page in the book, every fixer-stained gelatin print is a fragment from something larger- tesserae clipped from detritus of contemporary society that, reconstituted this way reveals a multi-textured universe created by inexorable impulses of the eye, hands, and mind of a conduit called Osamu Kanemura.



神楽坂のビルの地下2階にある現代アートスペース、CAVE-AYUMI GALLERYでは現在、金村修さんの最新作を集めたアッサンブラージュ展「Gate Hack Eden」が開催中です。


おそらく欧米では2001年の写真集『Spider's Strategy』で最もよく知られている金村さんは、1990年代初頭から一貫した独特の直接的な写真作品を積極的に発表してきました。私は金村さんのメディア(とカメラ)に対する特異なアプローチの長年のファンであり、2014年に銀座ニコンサロンで開催された、定着液で汚され、プリントでぐるぐる巻きにされた彼の広大なショーは、私の脳内の「写真展の記憶を保持する部分」の最上部付近に留まっています。「Ansel Adams Stardust (You are not alone)」)というタイトルも見事でした。
























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