In this final column of 2024 I’d like share some memorable photographic experiences and thoughts from the year.
(1)Pentax 17 Released
In July, the photographic world was enriched by the introduction of the Pentax 17, a brand-new half-frame film camera. I had the pleasure of trying one out, and shared my thoughts on PCT here:
In short, it’s a quirky, brilliant little camera with a great finder and super-sharp lens. The half-frame format is genius- it halves the price of film AND neatly fits the vertical-orientation of smartphone screens. The lightweight design features homages to Pentax’s past- a perfect start for a camera with a bright future.
(I still think the Pentax 17 would look sharp in an all-black finish!)
7月、写真界は新しいハーフフレームのフィルムカメラ「PENTAX 17」の登場によって豊かになりました。私はこのカメラを試用し、その感想を掲載しています。
▼Tokyo Film Camera Style [Special] PENTAX 17
PENTAX 17は、一言で言えば、素晴らしいファインダーとスーパーシャープなレンズを備えた、風変わりで素晴らしい小型カメラです。ハーフフレームフォーマットは天才的で、フィルムの価格を半額にし、スマートフォンの画面の縦方向にもうまくフィットします。また、可愛くて軽いデザインには、ペンタックスの過去へのオマージュが散りばめられています。個人的には、PENTAX 17はオールブラック仕上げがかっこよく映えるだろうと感じるけど!
(2)Leica Omotesando Opens / ライカ表参道店オープン
Tokyo gained another photo gallery in April with the opening of the Leica Store Omotesando, a beautifully designed space tucked away in the city’s fashionable Omotesando district.
This is the 12th Leica store in Japan- and, following the Ginza and Kyoto, their third gallery. The welcoming, open floorplan and its dynamic use of space results in something quite different than a “white cube” sort of art gallery.
This Leica store includes a showroom with the company’s product lineup, and, in the lower level, a Leica Pre-Owned section stocked with high-quality, competitively priced vintage gear. A must-visit for photography fans.
(3)Masahisa Fukase at SAI /「深瀬昌久展」SAI
Certainly, one of the most fascinating, humbling experiences that could be had in a gallery this year was- for me at least- the Masahisa Fukase exhibition at SAI in Miyashita park. (March 23 — April 14).
As if the framed vintage Fukase prints on the walls weren’t enough, it was the table in the center of the room with two boxes holding three-hundred original, loose prints that stole the show. That visitors were not simply allowed but actually encouraged to handle the prints like this seems unimaginable anywhere else in the world. An unparalleled, honestly moving experience.
My full article on the show is here:
今年、ギャラリーで体験できた最も魅力的で、ひどく驚いた体験のひとつは、MIYASHITA PARKにあるSAIで開催された深瀬昌久展(会期:3月23日〜4月14日)でした。
▼Exhibition Report
Vol.31 Masahisa Fukase Exhibition「深瀬昌久展」
(4)La Camera Closed / ギャラリー「ラ・カメラ」閉廊
From 2001 to April 2024, La Camera, a gallery in Shimokitazawa, had a monthly, 10-day exhibition of new Polaroids by Nobuyoshi Araki.
Each month on opening night the gallery held a casual, open reception and book signing. On these evenings, the tiny space was packed with editors, models, fans, and photographers. The moment Araki entered (usually around 6pm), the room would light up -his charisma is impossible to put into words. He'd sit down at a small table and hold interviews, meet editors, chat, laugh, tell stories and sign books, prints, posters, whatever people brought. On another table was plenty of free food and drinks- Shuji Terayama's former assistant would bring homemade curry and rice- and after a while a small band, Pathos, would play a few songs in the corner of the room.
My first visit was on October 1st, 2010, thanks to the invite of an editor at Nippon Camera magazine to photograph Araki for an article. Enamored by the experience, I returned to the party every month after that. I learned a lot over the years and was able to meet some really interesting people. Standing there next to Araki at the parties, listening to his anecdotes and backstories to the books he was signing was an incredible experience. While I could never claim to be his friend, his laughter one evening in response to one of my terrible puns is something I won't ever forget.
Even though the parties ended in mid-2016, the Polaroid exhibitions continued.
For the next eight years, I continued making my regular, monthly journey to La Camera, chatting with the gallery owner and enjoying the stream of polaroid photos that she sequenced. With Araki’s hospitalization in the first half of 2024, the exhibited Polaroids went from new ones to ones selected from his seemingly inexhaustible archives. In April of 2024 I received a text from the gallery owner saying that, regrettably, La Camera would close. (A monthly-exhibition series by a single photographer for over twenty years has to be some sort of world record!)
I don’t know the details, but as they say, “all good things…”
La Camera was off the radar, and near-impossible to find online. But those who knew, knew. That's part of what made it special, I think. It always- especially the parties- felt “impossible”- it possessed a preciousness that made one feel nostalgic for it while it was still happening. Perhaps that’s a reflection -or description- of Araki’s photography...
2024年4月、私はギャラリーのオーナーから「残念ながらラ・カメラは閉廊します」というメールを受け取りました。一人の写真家が20年以上にわたって毎月展覧会を開催し続けるというのは、ある種の世界記録ではないでしょうか。詳しいことはわかりませんが「終わりは必ず来る 」ということです。
Writing this column, I looked back through other articles which PCT published.
Here are some of my particular favorites from 2024:
Shigeichi Nagano’s 1950s- with some re-photographic interest in Buddha Statues in Asakusa
▼Recommended photobook
33 Shigeichi Nagano "Tokyo1950s" 長野重一『東京1950年代』
Under the covers- a look at “hidden” elements of Japanese photobook design.
カバーの下-日本のフォトブック・デザインの 「隠れた 」要素に迫る。
▼Recommended photobook
34 Photobook Looking: Under the Covers 写真集の"裏"の見方:カバーを外してみよう
Also, in 2024 I began a personal Tokyo Photo Guide series for PCT- so far I’ve featured Yanaka, Shinjuku, Nihombashi, Roppongi, and Ebisu.
▼Tokyo Photo Guide
Vol.2 Shinjuku After Work 仕事帰りの写真散歩コース【新宿編】
Vol.3 Nihombashi-Kodenmacho/日本橋小伝馬町
Vol.5 Ebisu Afternoon/午後の恵比寿を愉しもう
Finally, I want to give thanks to PCT for the opportunity to publish these columns- and to you, the reader, for taking time out to read them. I hope that they’ve provided you with some insight or entertainment.
Here’s to 2024- see you in 2025!
PCT Membersは、Photo & Culture, Tokyoのウェブ会員制度です。