top コラムTokyo Photo GuideTokyo Photo Guide Vol.5 Ebisu Afternoon/午後の恵比寿を愉しもう

Tokyo Photo Guide

Tokyo Photo Guide Vol.5 Ebisu Afternoon/午後の恵比寿を愉しもう

John Sypal

The area around Ebisu station offers ample opportunities to enjoy photography in Tokyo.  No matter what time of year, there’s always plenty to see here.  

Obviously, the centerpiece is the first entry on this list:





Tokyo Museum of Photographic Art



Called "TOP", for short, this is one of the few museums dedicated photography in the world.  

Established by the city in 1991, it opened at its current location in 1995. The building itself is on the grounds of the former Yebisu brewery and is part of the Yebisu Garden Place complex. Exhibitions include retrospectives of world-renowned photographers, thematic group shows, or comprehensive exhibitions regarding the history of photography.


The museum is comprised of three floors of gallery space- the first of which has a movie theater, a fantastic museum shop (see entry 2). The entire museum is topped by a reference library that allows visitors to handle nearly every photobook you might want to see. (I once went page-by-page comparing print quality between an original copy of Nobuyoshi Araki’s Sentimental Journey and a later reprint- it’s the kind of place where you can not only do something that incredibly nerdy but also have no think such a thing is anything but normal.) 

Generally, each exhibition requires an entrance fee, with tickets available at the front desk on the first floor.  Compared to the brevity of Tokyo’s smaller photo galleries, the shows here are up for a long time. While I don’t make it to every exhibition, there have been ones that I’ve made multiple visits to. 


NOTE: Keep in mind that the museum is closed on Mondays- but is open until 8pm on Thursdays and Fridays. 




一部を除いて、各展覧会は入場券が必要で、チケットは1階のフロントで購入することができます。 東京の小さなフォトギャラリーの規模と比べると、ここの展示は広大です。すべての展覧会に足を運べるわけではありませんが、同じ展覧会に何度も足を運んだ経験がたくさんあります。美術館は祝日を除いて月曜休館ですが、木曜日と金曜日は20時まで開館しています。仕事帰りにぴったりです。




  • 東京都写真美術館
  • 〒153-0062 東京都目黒区三田1-13-3 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス内
  • 休館日:月曜日(月曜日が祝休日の場合は開館し翌平日休館)、年末年始および臨時休館


[Museum Shop]


ナディッフ バイテン



As you might expect, the museum store of the Tokyo Museum of Photographic Art is in itself a paradise for photography lovers. In addition to TOP’s affordable exhibition catalogs and supplementary publications, NADiff Baiten offers a generous selection of photobooks from Japan and around the world. While the selection and weaker yen makes this place particularly affordable to international visitors, Tokyo residents who frequent the museum don’t have to worry about overweight luggage fees...


Note: NADiff x10 is part of the much larger NADiff A/P/A/R/T space located down the hill from the museum, about an 8min walk from Ebisu station.  Nadiff A/P/A/R/T complex features a world-class art & design / photobook store as well as galleries- well worth checking out when in the area.

東京都写真美術館(TOP)のミュージアムショップは、写真愛好家にとってパラダイスです。TOPの手頃な展覧会図録や別冊に加え、NADiff BAITENでは国内外の写真集を豊富に取り揃えています。この品揃えと円安のおかげで、外国人観光客には特にお得な場所ですが、東京に住んでいてこの美術館をよく利用する人なら、荷物の重量超過料金を心配する必要はないでしょう。


ちなみにこのNADiff BAITENは、恵比寿駅から徒歩約8分、美術館から坂を下ったところにある、より大きなNADiff A/P/A/R/Tスペースの一部です。 ナディッフA/P/A/R/Tコンプレックスには、ワールドクラスのアート&デザイン/フォトブックストアとギャラリーがあります。ここもおすすめです。




  • 東京都写真美術館 2F
  • 10:00〜18:00(木曜日・金曜日は20:00まで)


[Photo Gallery]

Koma Gallery




Founded in 2021, Koma Gallery is another one of Tokyo’s wonderful artist-run photography spaces. Koma’s ten members- a majority of which are women- hold regular exhibitions as well as events and workshops. The venue is a cozy place tucked into the second floor of an apartment building near Ebisu station. It’s pretty close to TOP- in fact, you can see TOP from Koma’s window. (They’re separated by the Yamanote line.)  


2021年に設立されたKoma Galleryは、東京の素晴らしいアーティストにより共同運営される写真スペースのひとつです。10人のメンバーは、定期的な展覧会のほか、イベントやワークショップも開催しています。スペースは恵比寿駅近くのマンションの2階にあり、こぢんまりとしています。ここの窓からは山手線越しの東京都写真美術館が見えます。おすすめです!




  • Koma Gallery
  • 東京都目黒区三田1-12-25 金子ビル201
  • 11:00-19:00(最終日15:00まで)
  • 月曜休廊


[Camera Shop]

Osawa Camera




No other shop in Tokyo represents the “classic local photo lab” like Osawa Camera does.  

It’s a locally owned and operated family businesses- In fact, the shop has been in Ebisu since 1940 and is currently run by two of the founder’s grandsons. I have a feeling that third-generation camera shops are not so common anymore! With its cases of used cameras and film drop-off counter, it reminds me of the local camera shop that used to be in my hometown in America.  Osawa is a hub for the photographic film community. I couldn’t begin to tell you of all the encounters I’ve had there- running into old friends or making new ones. Places like Osawa offer a sense of in-person community that can’t be replicated or fulfilled online. Along with the good vibes, the store also offers same-day color film processing and scans. I doubt that anyone in the shop’s history has dropped off film and not checked out their display cases of used gear. Make sure you see what they have in stock. Some deals can be had in their consignment section. (It’s also worth noting that Osawa is one of the best spots in Tokyo for vintage 8mm & 16mm cinema lenses. )


Protip: Drop off your film at Osawa first, and then check out TOP Museum and Koma Gallery while you wait. 



大沢カメラほど 「昔懐かしい地元の写真屋」を代表する店は東京にはないように思います。1940年から恵比寿に店を構え、現在は創業者の2人のお孫さんが経営しています。三代続くカメラ店は稀少です!中古カメラのケースやフィルムの預かりカウンターは、アメリカの故郷にあった地元のカメラ店を思い出します。そういう意味でも大沢カメラは、写真フィルム・コミュニティの拠点です。店で旧友に出会ったり、新たな友人を作ったりなど、出会いの枚挙にいとまがありません。大沢カメラのような場所は、オンライン上では再現できない、直接顔を合わせることへの感動があります。








  • 大沢カメラ
  • 〒150-0022 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-1-12
  • 10:00〜20:00
  • 年中無休(年末年始を除く)



Tandoor Restaurant Ebisu



Even though is the last recommended spot in this guide, it’s actually a place to start an afternoon.  A visit to the photo museum in Ebisu is even better on a full stomach. Across the street from Osawa Camera is one of my favorite Tokyo curry restaurants: TANDOOR 恵比寿駅前店. Sure, the city’s got plenty of good hole-in-the-wall Indian curry shops but I've not found one yet that can top Tandoor's black dal curry (seen here). Factor in Tandoor’s generous helpings, affordable prices, and friendly staff, well, it's a good spot for lunch- either alone or, with their large booths, a few other hungry photo enthusiasts.








  • タンドール恵比寿駅前店
  • 〒150-0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1-9-3 入船ビル4F
  • 11:00~23:00(金曜・祝前日は翌0:00まで)



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