top コラムTokyo Photo GuideTokyo Photo Guide Vol.1 YANAKA/谷中

Tokyo Photo Guide

Tokyo Photo Guide Vol.1 YANAKA/谷中

John Sypal

Welcome to my new column series on PCT. 


“Tokyo Photo Guide” is a casual, personal travel guide to some of my favorite locations in the city. With over twenty years of ambling around Tokyo with a camera I’ve built up a list of places I enjoy visiting for photos, cameras, books, and lunch.  With so many visitors from abroad traveling to Tokyo, I hope that this guide will be of use. 


Each entry in this series will focus on a particular area- and I’ll start it off with my favorite area: Tokyo’s Yanaka district.


今回からスタートした新シリーズ「Tokyo Photo Guide/東京フォトガイド」は、私が20年以上カメラを持って歩き回って見つけてきた、東京のお気に入りの場所を紹介する気軽な旅行ガイドです。写真にまつわる場所から、有名な撮影エリア、カメラ屋さん、素敵な本に出会えるお店、ランチを楽しむ場所をリストアップしてきました。まずは私の大好きな谷中から始めましょう。


Located just inside the one o’clock part of the Yamanote line, Yanaka has exploded in popularity over the past decade. What was once a cozy, temple-saturated backwater of Old Tokyo has found its local authenticity become a sought-after experience for curious visitors- and commodity land developers.  Yet the area has retained its charm and I wholeheartedly suggest spending an afternoon ambling though the area’s narrow lanes. There is much much more to see and enjoy than what’s listed below- these are spots I recommend for photographers. 


Start: I suggest starting at JR Nippori station.  The station sits on the side of a hill. At the top is Yanaka Cemetery- a prime spot for cherry blossoms in spring.  The first suggested spot however is on the flat part below.






[Film Camera Shop] Mitsubado Camera




Mitsubado is a film-only camera run by three enthusiastic and knowledgeable young men. The gear sold here is of fantastic quality- I think most of their inventory has been overhauled prior to being put in the display cases.  This shop has extensive contacts with Japan’s camera world and they facilitate repairs between customers and service experts. Inside you’ll find a gallery space showcasing film photography. They also offer workshops and gear rental. 


Mitsubado is located a short walk north of Nippori station in Tokyo’s fabric district. 

The shop is open daily 11:00 – 19:00 (closed Wednesdays.)






  • ​三葉堂寫眞機店
  • 〒116-0014 東京都荒川区東日暮里5-32-6
  • E-mail :
  • TEL /FAX:03-6884-4943
  • 営業時間: 11:00~19:00
  • 定休日:水曜日



[Film Lab] Yellow Jacket Photo Lab




Near Sendagi station you’ll find my favorite color film lab in Tokyo: Yellow Jacket.

I recently wrote about this lab in a previous article: but to summarize: Here you will receive expert – and same day- film processing and prints and scans at a very good price. They also stock film, so if you run out, pop in and stock up. 


千駄木駅の近くには、私が東京で一番好きな写真屋さんがあります。先月のTokyo Film Camera Style特別編でも紹介した「イエロージャケット」です。

Tokyo Film Camera Style[Special Edition]Yellow Jacket DPE





  • イエロージャケット千駄木店
    〒113-0022 東京都文京区千駄木2-23-3 ラ・レジダンス・ド千駄木104号
  • 営業時間:11:00~19:00(日曜日、祝日:12:00~19:00)



[Lunch] Bazoku

中国手打拉麺 馬賊(ランチ)




There’s a lot of good food in this part of town. Right across from Nippori station is a legendary noodle shop called Bazoku. Now, any time you step into a place like this and see a big, hand-written menu on the wall you know it’s going to be good. Their specialty is Sichuan style tantan-men. Pair that with a set of their gigantic gyoza and you’ll be set (full) for the rest of the day. This shop is more popular than ever- so expect lines for lunch on weekends. (If it helps, it’s worth the wait.) Bonus: From the sidewalk you can watch the chef making noodles by hand. 





  • 中国手打拉麺 馬賊 日暮里店
  • 〒116-0013 東京都荒川区西日暮里2-18-2伊藤ビル
  • 営業時間:11:00〜23:30(年中無休)



[Locations]Yanaka Himalayan Cedar




This is a famed 90-year old cedar tree located at a photogenic Y intersection this scenery has found its way into more than a few photobooks- and Instagram feeds.  This towering cedar used to have a magnificent crown, but after sustaining serious damage from a typhoon in 2019 it was, due to safety concerns, pruned down to its current size.  The small bread shop below is now closed- but hopefully, due to its historical and aesthetic value- not to mention general admiration from visitors- this tree will remain. 


これはフォトジェニックなY字路にある樹齢90年の杉の木で、この風景はこれまで何度も写真集やインスタグラムのフィードに登場しています。かつては見事な樹冠を誇っていたものの、2019年の台風で大きな被害を受けたため、安全面を考慮して現在の大きさに剪定されたそうです。 下の小さなパン屋は閉店してしまいましたが、観光名所としても、また歴史的な美的価値を守るためにも、この杉の木がずっと残ることを願っています。




[Locations]Yanaka Ginza: Yuyake Dandan  (Sunset Stairs)




If you come from Nippori station, the top of these stairs will be your entrance to Yanaka Ginza, a famed, local shopping street. The official name of this staircase is Yuyake Dandan (Sunset stairs). They face west and – well, prior to all the high-rise condo construction- offered a stunning view of the sunset. There is nearly always someone taking photos here- and crowds in the early evening. Yanaka Ginza has seen tremendous changes in the past few years with many of the local sundry shops and fresh markets being supplanted by trendy boutiques and cafes. And yet, it remains a nice place to visit.  Note: While the staircase is one big photo studio, some shops further down, one fried foods place in particular- are quite (verbally) against being photographed. I recommend particular care when pointing your camera along this lane. 








[Locations]Cat Shrine: Nen Neko Jinja




I don’t think that this is an “official” Shinto shrine- but the devotion with which it was founded is undeniably pure. Nestled on Miura-zaka a steep hill next to a temple cemetery this is a bric-a-brac memorial to cats which led long lives. In it you’ll find a cascade (catscade?) of feline figurines and framed snapshots of said beloved pets- a sign says that “Super Cat Power” is offered to fellow cat lovers. That sort of positivity balances a bittersweet feeling that arises every time when I stop by.  





[Associated Photobook] 

Nobuyoshi Araki, Mayumi Mori "Hitomachi " (Junposha, 1999)



Each month in 1998 photographer Nobuyoshi Araki and writer Mayumi Mori spent a day walking in Yanaka. A twelve-chapter book pairing Araki’s photographs from those visits with Mori’s reflective, charming essays was published early the following year. Titled Hitomachi, its pages preserve the Yanaka I first experienced back in the early 2000s. Araki’s endearing snapshots are testaments of the human warmth found in local communities. 






  • 荒木経惟、森まゆみ 『人町』 
  • 人は幸福でなければいけない。町に暮らす市井の人々をライカに収めた1年がかりの完全撮り下ろし277枚と書き下ろし12篇。
  • 発行:旬報社
  • 発行日:1999年10月31日


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