top コラムTokyo Photo GuideTokyo Photo Guide Vol.3 Nihombashi-Kodenmacho/日本橋小伝馬町

Tokyo Photo Guide

Tokyo Photo Guide Vol.3 Nihombashi-Kodenmacho/日本橋小伝馬町

John Sypal

Tokyo is dotted by tiny, near-innumerable gallery spaces. While some are singular destinations that require effort and train fare to visit, there are parts of the city where independent or artist-run galleries have, for one reason or another, sprung up within comfortable walking distance of each other. 


Similar to the Shinjuku gallery circuit, in Nihonbashi- the very heart of old Edo- an afternoon can be enjoyed visiting its several closely-located photo galleries. The Kodenmacho area in particular has become a hub of the Tokyo photographic community in recent years.   

Here are five recommended galleries which center on photography.




[Photo Gallery]

Roonee 247 Fine Arts

ルーニィ 247 ファイン・アーツ



Roonee 247 Fine Arts was originally established in Shinjuku in 2004, across the street from Gallery Niepce and near Totem Pole Photo Gallery. Their current location, on the second floor of a building on the corner near a photogenic backstreet shrine & park is at least twice as large as their old venue. In addition the exhibition space, they have an in-house frame/mat shop. Many photographers in Tokyo use Roonee’s mat cutting and framing services. Roonee has what I think is the largest stock of frames that can be rented by photographers. If you’ve been to a photo show in Tokyo, chances are you’ve seen their frames in person. A great resource run by passionate, kind people. 


2004年に創設されたルーニィは最初、新宿四谷にありました。ギャラリー・ニエプスの向かい側、TOTEM POLE PHOTO GALLERYとも近い立地です。懐かしい…。







[Photo Gallery]





Just down the street from Roonee is Iia Gallery, a small first floor rental gallery that opened in 2012. Pronounced “I.I.A”, this is a space that individuals and groups lease for exhibitions. The owner also offers mat cutting services.  






[Photo Gallery]

MONO GRAPHY Camera & Art



Mono Graphy Camera and Art sits right above IIA Gallery- watch your head both as you go up the narrow, Showa-era stairs and even more so, as you enter the shop’s door.  Opened in 2020, Mono Graphy is a unique spot that supports the photographic community through exhibitions and a general selection of new and used photobooks. They also hold regular talk events and photowalks.  Their dedication to photographs on paper is evident in their selection of Ilford Inkjet papers AND inventory of original photographic prints by Tokyo photographers. Japan has long lacked a photographic print market- and so their encouragement- if not simple availability- of real prints is something special. 

Overall, it’s a really unique, welcoming environment. According to the staff, many a foreign visitor remarks how they wish such a place existed in their city.


アイアイエーギャラリーの真上、同じビルの2階にあるMONO GRAPHY Camera & Artは、2020年にオープンしました。写真展のみならず、新刊・古本写真集を取り揃え、写真コミュニティをサポートするユニークなスポットです。定期的にトークイベントやフォトウォークも開催しています。 紙の写真へのこだわりは、イルフォード・インクジェット・ペーパーの品揃えや、東京の写真家によるオリジナル写真プリントの在庫からも明らかです。


日本は海外とくらべると、写真プリントのマーケットが少ないため本物のプリントの入手が簡単ではないにせよ、 MONO GRAPHYの取り組みは特別なものだと感じます。全体的に、実にユニークで居心地の良い環境です。スタッフによると、外国人観光客の多くが「自分の街にこんな場所があったらいいのに…」とよく言われるそうです。確かに、世界のすべての街に、このような店あったらいいかも!




[Photo Gallery]

KKAG(Kiyoyuki Kuwabara Accounting Gallery)



Constructed in 1961, the Agata-Takezawa building in Higashi Kanda is near-ancient by Tokyo standards. Now charmingly retro, its sixth decade finds its many rooms hold creator spaces and boutiques. Take the- again, charmingly retro- elevator up the fourth floor you’ll find KKAG (Kiyoyuki Kuwabara Accounting Gallery). Run by Kiyoyuki Kuwabara, this gallery exhibits not accounting but some very interesting photography. This is a gem of a spot- while not a large space its unfinished floors and overall mood- plus the quality of the owner’s choice of featured photographers- makes for a nice gallery experience. 


1961年に建設された東神田のレトロな雰囲気が魅力のアガタ竹澤ビルには現在、多くのクリエーター・スペースやブティックが入っています。昭和を感じられる狭いエレベーターで4階に上がると、KKAG(Kiyoyuki Kuwabara Accounting Gallery)があります。オーナーである桑原清幸氏が経営するこのギャラリーではいつもとても興味深い写真を展示しています。スペース的に決して広くはありませんが、独特な床をはじめとする全体的な雰囲気と、オーナーが選んだ写真作品群の質の高さが、素敵なギャラリー体験を演出しています。



  • KKAG(Kiyoyuki Kuwabara Accounting Gallery)
  • 〒101-0031 東京都千代田区東神田1-2-11 アガタ竹澤ビル405 桑原清幸会計事務所内
  • 15:00〜21:00(最終日は17:00まで)


[Photo Gallery]

Kanzan Gallery



Another recommended area gallery: Kanzan Gallery.  Run by the non-profit Japan Photography and Art Association, this gallery focuses on contemporary work, with its exhibitions comprising of perhaps the highest percentage of female artists for a photo gallery in the city. 


最後5つ目にご紹介するギャラリーは Kanzan Galleryです。非営利の日本写真芸術協会が運営するこのギャラリーは、現代作品を中心とした展示を行っており、同じようなギャラリーにおいて、おそらく女性アーティストの割合が最も高い気がします。おすすめです!




Subway access to this part of town is best had by the Hibiya line- but if you don’t mind walking  few blocks towards Akihabara, near Iwamotocho station (Shinjuku line) is a great little corner camera shop: 



[Camera Shop]

Nisshin Camera



中古カメラ店探訪 -Camera Shop Tour- Vol.2「にっしんカメラ」


Nisshin Camera has been around a long time but has within the past few years been revitalized into a vibrant shop that makes effort to welcome young people into photography. They’ve got a nice selection and kind staff- -  and after hours the camera counter becomes a bar for those who want to talk cameras over a drink. 







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