top コラムTokyo Photo GuideTokyo Photo Guide Vol.2 Shinjuku After Work 仕事帰りの写真散歩コース【新宿編】

Tokyo Photo Guide

Tokyo Photo Guide Vol.2 Shinjuku After Work 仕事帰りの写真散歩コース【新宿編】

John Sypal

The area of Tokyo’s Shinjuku district probably has more dedicated photo galleries than most major cities in the world do.  And while the majority of these visitors stop by on the weekends, it’s possible to end your work day (or start your evening) with a photo gallery walk before heading home. In this guide I’ll share with you the regular spots I check out on weeknights. 




What follows is a casual chain of venues that flows from the center of Shinjuku to the east, ending at Akebonobashi station. All of these spots are open until 7pm- and you can visit all of them within 45min to an hour.





While you can leave Shinjuku station and walk east towards Shinjuku Gyoen, I suggest getting off at Shinjuku-sanchome station. Exit C5 puts you out on the street right in front of the first gallery on this list. It’s in Shinjuku Q Building on your right. At the foot of the stairs will be a small sign for 3rd District Photo Gallery.  No elevator here, so head on up the steps.


新宿駅を出て東側、新宿御苑方面へ歩くのもいいのですが、新宿三丁目駅で降りることをおすすめします。「C5出口」は最初の目的地であるギャラリーがすぐ目の前の通りに出ることができます。C5出口右手の新宿Qビル。階段の下にthird district galleryと書かれた小さな看板があります。 エレベーターはありませんので、階段を上ってください。



[Photo Gallery]third district gallery




3rd district gallery is a small, artist-run space which showcases the work of its members as well as the occasional rental exhibition. Like most galleries, the exhibitions run from one to two weeks. Expect the artist to be present- the table and chairs are usually occupied by guests. Note- If you start this walk with Totem Pole Photo Gallery and work your way towards Shinjuku station, 3rd District Gallery will be your last stop. If you’re hungry and want a good burger, Castle Rock on the 2nd floor is pretty dang good. 


third district gallery(サード・ディストリクト・ギャラリー)は、アーティストによる小規模な自主運営ギャラリーで、メンバーの作品を展示するほか、時折レンタル展示も行っています。他のギャラリーと同様、展示期間は1週間から2週間なので、いつ尋ねて行ってもいい展示あるはずです。ちなみに、もしお腹が空いていて美味しいハンバーガーが食べたいなら、同じ新宿Qビル2階にある「キャッスル・ロック」というバーガー屋さんはかなり美味しいのでおすすめです!





[Camera Shop] Lucky Camera




Just around the corner behind 3rd District is Lucky Camera, a well-known Shinjuku camera shop. Their street-level show window is a lightbulb to photographer-moths-  you’ll always find some window-shoppers out front.  The shop’s selection inside is extensive and of good quality. (This is the “new” location- the previous one was closer to Shinjuku station. I’m rather partial to it- I bought both my first rangefinder a Bessa R2 at Lucky in 2002 and my first Leica, an M6TTL, in 2004. )


Crossing Shinjuku-dori, head next towards Sokyusha. It’s situated on a block which has three galleries, a rental darkroom, a rental digital lightroom, , a photobook shop, and a camera shop.   









[Photo Gallery & Bookshop]Sokyusha





Sokyusha is a gallery/bookshop founded and run by Michitaka Ota- he published Masahisa Fukase’s Ravens. In my opinion Sokyusha is easily one of the top 5 most important – or most precious- places in Tokyo’s Photography scene. It’s a must-visit for any photographer who comes to Tokyo. The bookshop that’s connected to the gallery is a photobook lover’s delight. Even though this guide is planned for an hour, you could obviously spend far, far longer than that in this shop alone. 







Just down the street you’ll find the next two galleries. They’re in the same building. Take the stairs to the second floor and you’ll find:



階段を上って2階にあるのが「RED Photo Gallery」です。


[Photo Gallery]Red Photo Gallery



RED Photo Gallery is another artist-run space. Its square layout lends itself to the larger prints that its members tend to exhibit. I never miss Mitsuru Sato’s entries in his ongoing “Yesterday” series.   (The mild wiff of fixer you might notice is from Tokyo Darkroom on the same floor.)


RED Photo Galleryもアーティストたちが自主運営する写真スペースです。正方形のレイアウトは、メンバーたちが展示する大きなプリントに適しているように感じます。


[Photo Gallery]Pleca M



Above Red is Place M, a legendary photo gallery in Tokyo. I know I’ve used “legendary” a few times in this guide already, but Place M is a longtime and fundamentally important part of Shinjuku’s photo culture.  Run by photographer Masato Seto, this venue is comprised of a gallery, a classroom (Seto-san runs workshops), and a 24 hour color/BW rental darkroom (2F). It’s also a party space and hub of photographer chats. Place M is available for rental- has a comparatively high percentage of exhibitions by visiting, non-Japanese photographers. 

東京の伝説的とも言えるフォトギャラリーのひとつがこの「Place M」です。このガイドではすでに何度か「伝説的」という言葉を使ってきましたが、ここは新宿の写真文化において長年、そして根底から重要な位置を占めています。 写真家の瀬戸正人さんが運営するこの場所は、ギャラリーと教室(瀬戸さんはワークショップ「夜の写真学校」をずっと開催しています)、24時間利用可能なカラーとモノクロのレンタル暗室で構成されています。写真家たちの交流の場でもあります。最近は外国人写真家の展示が比較的多いように感じます。





[Camera Shop] Suwa Camera




Despite being directly next door to Place M, for some reason this shop is relatively off the radar. While not as extensively stocked as some of Shinjuku’s more well-known and well-visited shops, the prices seem more affordable. 


RED Photo GalleryとPlace Mが入ったビルの真隣にありながら、比較的このお店はまだ知られていないように感じています。店内はそれほど広くないのですが、値段はなかなか手頃でいいお店です。穴場ですよ。





Next head back to Shinjuku-dori and cross to the north side. Make your way down the hill to our last stop.



[Photo Gallery]Totem Pole Photo Gallery




Totem Pole Photo Gallery is another of the city’s artist-run photography spaces. I’ve been a member for over a decade, taking part in some thirty-plus solo and group exhibitions there.

Like all the galleries in this guide, most visitors stop by on weekends. Weeknights though, there are people who stop by on their way home of work. From my own experience I know that having a photo exhibition to look forward to makes the (work)day go faster. 







From Totem Pole you can either walk to Yotsuya-sanchome station on the Marunouchi subway line or Akebonobashi station on the Toei-Shinjuku line.  I tend to use Akebonobashi most. From Totem Pole walk to Yasukuni-dori and take a left. 

If you’re hungry I suggest….


トーテムポールフォトギャラリーからは、東京メトロ丸ノ内線の四谷三丁目駅、もしくは都営新宿線の曙橋駅まで歩くことができます。 私は曙橋駅を利用することが多いのですが、もしお腹が空いているのならラーメンはいかがでしょうか?


[Ramen]Menya Nishkawa 




This is my favorite tonkotsu ramen shop in Japan.  The soup is ramen perfection- brilliantly balanced, with a rich, creamy broth that’s complimented by pork belly and other toppings. Once you’ve eaten the noodles, finish off the soup with a small bowl of rice. Incredible. 

They have a beef ramen bowl too, but the pork one is so good I can’t imagine trying anything else.  (If you’re not in the mood for ramen, check out the Chinese place next to the Freshness Burger around the corner- it’s really good. )


麺屋西川は、個人的に日本一のとんこつラーメン屋です! 濃厚でクリーミーなスープは豚バラ肉やその他のトッピングを引き立て、見事なバランスを保っています。麺を食べたら最後は小鉢のご飯でシメ……最高!ちなみにこのお店は牛肉ラーメンで有名なのですが、とんこつラーメンがあまりに美味しくて、他のラーメンを食べたことはありません(笑)。もしラーメンを食べる気分でないなら、角を曲がったフレッシュネスバーガーの隣にある中華料理屋もおすすめです。餃子が美味しいですよ。

So that’s my usual after work photo gallery circuit. A series of photographic encounters like this is a refreshing way to forget about the day’s troubles!  And remember, you could just as easily visit these spots in reverse. Some people start the course with Totem Pole and work their way up to Shinjuku- leaving them, you, anyone, with plenty of places for a drink or a bite to eat. 


Maybe I’ll see you around! 






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