top コラムTokyo Photo GuideTokyo Photo Guide Vol.6 Jimbocho/神保町

Tokyo Photo Guide

Tokyo Photo Guide Vol.6 Jimbocho/神保町

John Sypal

For this entry of my ongoing Tokyo Photo Guide we’ll take a walk through Jimbocho- Tokyo’s famed used bookstore district.  Since this is a photo guide, I’ll focus on photobooks. Spread across several stores and within a square kilometer, Jimbocho probably has the most concentrated pool of such books in the world. I’ve also included two photo gallery spaces, the Lomography shop, and one of the best curry-rice joints in the country. 


今回の東京フォトガイドは、東京で有名な古本屋街「神保町」を歩きます。 今回はフォトガイドということもあり、写真集に焦点を当てたいと思います。神保町は1キロ四方に数店舗の書店が密集する、おそらく世界で最も写真集が集中している場所でしょう。また2つのフォトギャラリースペースとカメラショップ、そして国内屈指のカレーライス店も紹介します!


Access to Jimbocho is easy- Jimbocho station on the Tozai line is most logical but for this one I’ll start off from Ochanomizu station, where, after crossing the Hijiribashi bridge and heading towards Kanda Myojin Shrine, you’ll find a haven for silver gelatin prints at…




[Photo Gallery]
gallery bauhaus




Gallery Bauhaus is a gorgeous, two-level gallery tucked away a few steps down the street hill from Kanda Myojin shrine. Bauhaus exclusively exhibits silver gelatin prints- the gallery website states its mission as offering visitors an encounter with “the finest quality silver prints”.  (I’ve seen no less than two extraordinary shows of vintage Robert Frank work here.) Unusual for Tokyo, its exhibitions are several months long and have an entry fee.


The gallery also has a small shop with postcards and photobooks. This is the only place in the world that I’m aware of where you can purchase “new” copies of Robert Frank’s 1972 book The Lines of My Hand. 

gallery bauhaus(ギャラリー・バウハウス)は、神田明神から坂道を数歩下ったところにある、2階建てのゴージャスなギャラリーです。ここは銀塩プリントのみを展示し、ギャラリーのウェブサイトには「最上級のオリジナルプリントの展示」との出会いを提供することを使命としている旨が書かれています。 私はここでロバート・フランクのヴィンテージ作品の素晴らしい展覧会を2回以上見たことがあります。また東京では少し珍しいのですが、このギャラリーでは展覧会の会期は数ヶ月にわたり、入場料がかかります。


ギャラリーにはポストカードや写真集を扱う小さなショップも併設しています。1972年に出版されたロバート・フランクの写真集『The Lines of My Hand』を「新品」で購入できるのは、私が知る限りここだけ。




[Camera & Film Shop]




Lomography’s current Tokyo is located near the shadow of Meiji University’s Liberty Towen, on the second floor of a backstreet building in a pocket of cheap restaurants. The venue offers customers the chance to handle Lomography’s full line of cameras and film. 

It’s a good spot to purchase their popular films in person. 






[Book Store]

Book Brothers Genkido




A Jimbocho classic. Genkido has, in my experience, the best prices on photobooks in not just the area, but perhaps all of Tokyo. I’ve been going here for years- and my bookshelves reflect this. Their photography section is casually split by Japanese and foreign artists, with the large, foreign photobooks displayed at the top of tall shelves in the center of the shop. (They’ve got a section on books and magazines about cameras, too.) The really rare / expensive books are kept behind the register.  


There is a second, lower wall with cheaper foreign photobooks displayed side by side, with their covers facing out. For Japanese customers, each book has a large, hand-written paper label in Japanese. Since these labels tend to block the English titles stand along the wall and read the spines, instead. 





  • 源喜堂書店
    〒101-0052 東京都千代田区神田小川町3-1


[Photo Gallery]

Jimbocho Garo




This small gallery tends to focus on photo exhibitions for the over-18 crowd, by near-equal measures of male and female photographers. Photobooks of their featured artists are available at the front desk.

Jimbocho Garo is near a uniquely designed, local theater that hosts vintage film festivals and comedian shows. The structure looks cross between a gigantic silver egg, and a 1990’s CG boulder.  







[Book Store]

Bohemian's Guild




Located on Suzuran-dori, Jimbocho’s “Main Street”, this shop has a great photobook selection as well as a second floor with framed prints and artwork. Make sure to check the bargain shelves and boxes outside of the shop for potentially interesting, sudden must-haves. 




  • ボヘミアンズ・ギルド
    〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町1−1 木下ビル1F・2F


[Book Store]




Checking Magnif’s homepage, I noticed that they now offer a souvenir tote bag, ostensibly for the growing numbers of, very hip, foreign clientele. Magnif, with its focus on late 20th century Japanese fashion magazines, has (rightfully) become a darling of the foreign art/fashion/social media youth circuit (See also: Komiyama Shoten). Represented well on similar, albeit more fashion-oriented and Tokyo-culture platforms, Magnif’s general charm is undeniable. While much of the shop’s inventory is of vintage fashion mags, they have a photobook ( & vintage photo magazine) section interesting enough to make me stop in every time I pass by. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, there will be stacks of old Asahi Camera issues on the bargain shelves out front.









[Book Store]

Komiyama Tokyo




Perhaps THE most famous of spots for foreign photobook collectors- the store proclaims itself as offering Real Tokyo Art. Komiyama offers several floors of Japanese and foreign photobooks, original prints, art, underground art books, fashion magazines, and so much more. One could easily spend an afternoon here perusing their shelves. 


Like how Map Camera and Kitamura Camera shops in Shinjuku have done for cameras, Komiyama has embraced the international photobook collector scene- so while it’s perhaps not a place for deals, they have an astounding selection, with many rare items. 

The “vibes” of the place too, make it worth a visit. The split-level staircase layout is very Showa, and very cool. 






  • 小宮山書店
    〒101-0051 東京都千代田区神田神保町1-7


[Photo Gallery]





A gallery, publisher, and bookstore- and favorite photo spot of mine:   Super Labo Store Tokyo. From the outside, visitors are greeted with a Joel Meyerowitz quote on the essence of photography. The interior of this crisply bright space is lined with photographs and an island of Super Labo’s current publications. The artists featured range from masters of the photo world (Meyerowitz, Daido Moriyama, etc.) to young, international photographers who might not yet be as well known in Japan yet.


Bonus: for each or their exhibitions, Super Labo also regularly hosts receptions and book signing events. They’re casual and fun- and open to the public.  







    〒101-0064 東京都千代田区神田猿楽町1-4-11



Curry Bondy




There is an unusually high number of curry shops in Jimbocho. My personal favorite is the local legend Curry Bondy. It’s located on the second floor of an older building- the kind with steep, Showa-era staircase. Patrons will likely spend time on these stairs in line waiting for a table. But once you’ve tried Bondy, you’ll realize the wait was worth it- and that you probably wouldn’t mind lining up again for it soon. My favorite is their beef curry with the optinal chees topping. Their cheese curry is so popular that it’s now available in instant-curry packets you can find in grocery stores. Each meal also comes with two tiny baked potatoes (why?) and a small cube of butter.  





Photography Connection:  There is an enormous print of Daido Moriyama’s dog picture on the back wall. Like the tiny potatoes, I’ve never figured out exactly why-  but such superfluous questions are rendered moot with the first spoonful of curry and rice… 





  • 欧風カレーボンディ
    〒101-0051 千代田区神田神保町2-3 神田古書センタービル2F


Jimbocho’s great for buying books of photographs- but what about taking them? Wait, that sounds wrong- I’m talking about taking photographs, not books. Since the area’s narrow streets have a photogenic quality, you’re likely to see people with cameras all over this part of town. The shop with the exterior bookshelves in particular is an eternal photographer-magnet:

Since Yasukuni-dori runs almost perfectly East-West through Jimbocho, late afternoons bathe the sidewalks in that kind of glorious, Garry Winogrand-type New York 5th Avenue, light. Great for street snaps. 





Like many parts of Tokyo, Jimbocho is gaining increased attention of foreign tourists. While it’s yet to be “blessed” by costumed go-kart tours, demonstrating general etiquette is expected: Don’t bring food or drink into shops, don’t be too loud, and don’t take photos in the shops without direct consent from the owners. (Expect to be told no, even if you ask.) 

And please, be extremely careful and considerate when handling books, particularly when turning pages. (Don’t do the “page crease-flip” from the middle edge- please carefully turn pages from the top right corner!)

One other tip- especially for photographers- bring an over-the-shoulder tote bag or backpack! You’ll want both hands free for your camera. For international visitors with flights home- if you’re not careful you might end up needing to buy another suitcase for the books you’ll end up taking home. (Us Tokyoites have to deal instead with overflowing bookcases...)



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