top コラムTokyo Film Camera StyleTokyo Film Camera Style vol.13

Tokyo Film Camera Style

Tokyo Film Camera Style vol.13

John Sypal

11月23日、東京秋葉原にあるにっしんカメラで行われた「PCT NIGHT」に参加しました。「PCT NIGHT」はPhoto&Culture Tokyo(PCT)の夜のライブイベントです。第3夜となる今回は編集部の村上仁一さんと圓谷真唯さんと3人で一時間で飲み物を飲みながら、楽しくカメラや写真について話しました。

とても楽しいトークでした。Instagram liveがアーカイブされているので、こちらで見ることができます!


On November 23rd I enjoyed taking part in an Instagram Live event with Photo and Culture Tokyo- it's a regular thing they call PCT Night. Here, a guest (me, this time) joins editors Masakazu Murakami and Mai Tsumuraya for an hour of camera / photo talk and a few drinks.  The event is held at Nisshin Camera in Akihabara- in the evenings this camera shop's counter turns into a bar- behind the counter are shelves of not cameras, but alcohol. (Not a drinker, I went with American Champagne, aka Coca Cola).  The archived talk is available to see here:  (LINK:


Instagram liveのみならず、会場観覧もありました。カメラ談義を聞いてくださった12名のお客さんたちは、それぞれカメラを持っていたので、小さなカメラ祭りになりました。記念写真はこちら!


While the talk is broadcast on Instagram Live, guests are also welcome to attend in person. Drinks in hand, about 12 people came this night to enjoy the event. As you can imagine, people who might come to a used camera shop to listen to other people talk about cameras all had their own interesting cameras with them. When the event ended, we took a group photo:





So, I'd like to show some of these up close-  here are some of the cameras seen at PCT x TCS:




NEW Leica M6 + APO Summicron 50mm F2


その経験や復刻版ライカM6の感想などをPCT NIGHTでもお話しました。


Part of my talk was a reflection on my time with Leica in Wetzlar, Germany for the release of the new M6. This new camera is still quite hard to come by- and so I was quite surprised- and happy- to see one around the neck of a visitor this evening. It might be the fist new M6 sold in Tokyo. Seen here with a APO-Summicron 50mm lens.  Awesome.



PENTAX SFX + SMC Pentax-FA* 28-70mm f2.8 AL Zoom


なぜかこの時代の一眼レフは見落とされていますが、なかなかいいカメラです。しかも安い。機能があふれているし、やっぱり、デザインが好き。私は特にこの時代のペンタックスのデザインが大好きです。レンズはSMC Pentax-FA* 28-70mm f2.8 AL ズームです。やるね!

A glorious example of late 80's Pentax SLR design- a Pentax SFX. These late-eighties & 90s SLRs are overlooked but offer a lot of functions in chunky, cool bodies. The lens is an SMC Pentax-FA* 28-70mm f2.8 AL zoom. Nice one! 








This Fujica Compact 35 belongs to a university student who came to the event.  He said he found TCS on Instagram, and it led him to wanting to get a camera and start taking photos. What a compliment! Murakami san, sitting next to me, leaned over and said "That's the best thing someone can say." He was right!



Zeiss Ikon SUPER IKONTA 530/2

ツァイスイコンSUPER IKONTA 530/2は1933〜1939年に作られたカメラです。間違いなくPCT NIGHTに現れたカメラの中で一番古いのものでした。

このカメラの持ち主は120フィルムではなく、自分でトリミングしたFujifilm Instax(チェキ)Wideフィルムで撮っていました。



This is a pre-war Zeiss Ikon SUPER IKONTA 530/2- a 6x9 folder which this young woman in the shop had loaded with trimmed Fujifilm Instax Wide film. She had a dark bag in which she loaded the camera with a single frame. Then, after taking a photo, she'd put the camera back in the bag and, after removing the exposed frame, put it through an Instax wide back (or maybe camera- I should have asked) to develop it.  It is a complicated, lengthy process- but I think that's precisely a big part of  her enjoyment in doing it. 


This being Tokyo, there were a few Leicas as well:



LEICA M4-P + Canadian Summicron 35mm F2

A well-worn Leica M4-P and a Canadian Summicron 35. Such a great setup.




LEICA Q2 & LEICA M6TTL + LEICA Summicron-M 35mm F2 ASPH.



ライカQ2とM6TTL. ライカ“キュー”はキュートなカメラ!


A Leica Q paired with an M6TTL-   In the Japanese sentence above there's a pun but I can't fit it in English as well. 
Maybe "the Leica Q is a Q-te (read aloud " Cu- te") camera. I am a punny guy.




Olypmus PEN F + D.Zuiko Auto-S 38mm F2.8





Finally, a cute camera with a cute mascot- this Olympus Pen F is in the hands of a staff member of Nisshin Camera.  Nisshin has recently remodeled and is pivoting to the younger crowd-  they've got a bright store with a bunch of original fun stuff for sale like these little characters. And a bar, of course. 
It's a nice shop- wonderful staff, nice selection and prices, and a cool location. Definitely stop by!


See you next time-



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